Chapter 24 | Courtroom Brawl

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In the mess hall, learning about the debate

"A debate over Eren?" Mikasa asked. Her voice was tense; confused, and cautious.

I nodded, looking back from her to the stew I was eating. I pushed the lumps of potatoes and vegetables around with my spoon, not really interested in eating as much as I was with trying to ignore what had occurred the day before, as well as the grief the night had brought. The ghastly sights kept coming to mind, and I tried to push them out the best I could. My most pressing concern however, was fearing for Eren. I hadn't seen him since the Survey Corp had essentially confiscated him from our midst. He wasn't safe to be around, apparently. I knew it was ridiculous, though. He was the same Eren as always.

"I suppose it will be over what they're going to do with him." Armin mumbled between bites of food. His spare hand was resting dangerously close to mine, and I was reminded of how close we had been the night before, causing me to suppress a blush. 

"What's that supposed to mean?" She asked again, and Armin sighed.

"It means, they may not let him live."

Mikasa stood up abruptly, hands slammed on the table. I glanced at her and reached up, tugging on her jacket until she sat down again. 

"It's no surprise really, Mika." I murmured softly. "As stupid as it is, they won't see him as just Eren anymore."

"Think." Armin reasoned. "Even though to most the idea of trusting a titan is terrifying, they will have to admit that we wouldn't have succeeded in taking back Trost without him. Eren has a good chance, as long as the people can see reason. I'm almost certain he'll live."

He's so smart, but I'm still scared. This ability is unlike anything they will have seen; they'll be terrified. If they allow their fear to overcome their reason, then... I don't want to imagine what will happen.

"If he doesn't." I added quietly. "They'll have hell to pay. I won't let them take him after I just got him back."

The doors to the mess hall flew open, and a small group of soldiers entered.

"Cadets Y/n Yeager, Mikasa Ackerman and Armin Arlert. Attention!" The leader announced, and looked around the room.

"Sir!" We replied in unison, standing up immediately. 

"You are ordered to attend and participate as witnesses in today's deliberation."


Eren entered the room. His wrists were shackled behind his back, white shirt stained and ragged. My eyes narrowed as a gun was pressed to his back, forcing him to his knees, and two soldiers attached his shackles to a pole in the centre of the room. He was being treated like some kind of animal, and it made my blood boil. He then caught sight of Armin, Mikasa and I, and as our eyes met my face lit up. I gave him a reassuring smile and mouthed 'I love you." He looked at me, nervous and confused, and I offered another smile. Armin glanced at me, and I felt his arm press against mine gently. My attention was directed to the judge walking into the room and taking his seat at the judge's chair. His beard and glasses gave him a professional air, and I shuddered.

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