CHAPTER 3- What Makes You Beautiful

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"Katie...", I heard a voice call my name.

"Katie...". I feel that I've heard this voice just a while ago. I'm sure it's a boy's voice. I don't know why, but his voice was music to my ears. Not deep and a little high, but just harmony when I hear it. I felt like I was being shaken so I finally opened my eyes. Slowly, I saw... Of course, it had to be him. Louis Tomlinson.

"Hey! You're awake now, love! You fell asleep for quite some time. I woke you up minutes before rehearsals.", he said warmly with a smile on his face. What? I fell asleep? This is weird. I don't often fall asleep during rehearsals and wait, did he just call me 'love'?

"Oh, thanks Louis. I could've gotten into serious trouble if you hadn't done that.", I thanked him. He smiled and offered his hand to me. Confused, I just looked at him. He laughed at my confusion and said, "Let me help you up there. Shooting starts soon." I finally realized and I giggled at my silliness. Silly me. We went over to the shooting area to find Mark panicking. He finally saw us and rushed over. "WHERE HAVE YOU TWO BEEN?! I'VE BEEN LOOKING ALL OVER FOR YOU!", he ranted. "Listen, Mark. We're here now, we're safe and okay. Let's just get on with the shooting and stop all the worries, okay?", Louis explained calmly. Mark's face cooled down and he glanced down and looked back at us. "Okay, let's get on then.", he ordered. He smirked at us before leaving to go wherever he was going.

What was that all about? I looked down and found out why Mark smirked at us. Louis' hand was still holding onto mine since earlier when he offered his hand. I blushed uncontrollably amd smiled a little. Noticing my gesture, Louis looked down too. He smirked when he saw our hands and he looked at me. I looked at him back. I saw a tint of red forming on his cheeks, while I was certain that my whole face was red. We just stood there, staring at each other. As if time slowed down and froze. His ocean blue eyes were staring right into my brown hazel ones. It's like we were looking into each others' souls. It was one of those cute, perfect moments you see in movies. No one bothered to look away. He broke the silence by saying, "Looks like we can't get enough of each other." He smirked and I blushed, again. He just chuckled at my cuteness and we stare at each other again.

However, two make-up artists walked over to us. "Mind if we do your make-up first for this scene?", they politely ask. We nod and that's when we let go. After they put on our make-up, Mark yells, "LIGHTS, CAMERA, ACTION!" And the shooting starts.

*after a couple of practices...


Water break. Finally. It's been a while since my last sip of water. All those lines made me thirsty. I brought out the water bottle from my bag I always carry with around me. I sat on the empty bench near the shooting area and gulped the water in an instant. Hey, I was thirsty. I sat there remembering that moment I had with Katie. The way we both stared at each other made goosebumps appear in my skin. Her brown hazel eyes were so beautiful. Her perfect, flawless hair. Her smooth skin. It seems to me everything about her mesmerized me in an instant. From the moment I first officially met her, I had the strangest feeling in my gut about this girl. Wait...What was I even saying? I glanced at her across the area from me. She stood there, chatting with some staff members, actors and actresses. The thing I also like about her is her ability to make new friends. She's so kind, generous, good-natured even though she's a famous celebrity. She's a rare kind. Well, she must've felt me staring at her because she looked in my direction. Oh no. She caught me. I immediately looked away and I'm pretty sure my face was red. I could sense that she smirked when she saw me staring at her and after a while, she continued chatting with the others.

Just then Harry walks over. "She's pretty huh? I wouldn't blame you if you did.", he said, startling me from my little daydream about her. I jumped and turned to face him. Who's Harry you may ask? He's a friend I made on set. He's also an actor in the film. "Who's pretty?", I ask, pretending to not know what he's talking about. "Don't play dumb with me, Tomlinson. Who else than the one you're staring at? The one and only Katie Williams? Sounds familiar?", he said sarcastically. I just rolled my eyes at him. I grabbed another water bottle from my bag. Oh yeah, I have plenty of these.

Lights, Camera, Action! | Louis TomlinsonWhere stories live. Discover now