CHAPTER 7-More Than This

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After I entered my condo, I made my way to bed and laid down. These last two days have been undeniably stressful for me. I looked at the time to see that it was just 10:30 AM. I went to the bathroom to change and went to my bed and took a nap.
I woke up to my phone beeping. Ugh. Who would call me on a Saturday? I lazily picked up my phone to see that it had a message from Harry.
"What's up, Tommo? Heard about Katie. Please tell her I asked how she is. -Hazza", it read. I typed up my reply. "Yeah, I'm alright, Haz. She's feeling better now. I will tell her. Okay, bye now. -Tommo". With that, I sent it. I remembered I had Katie's number in here. Should I call her? She's probably taking a nap. I decided to just text her. "Hey, Ms. Beautiful. I don't know if you're awake, so I decided to just text you, not wanting to disturb your sleep. Can I come over? I'm bored here. Okay, reply whenever you want to. -Tommo". I sat on my bed, waiting for her reply. A few minutes after I sent the message, I received a reply from... Katie.

"Yeah, I'm awake. Thanks for your thoughtfulness. Sure, come on over. I'm bored too. Bye! By the way, I'm not beautiful, Tommo. :-)  -Katie". I laughed at her reply and went to my wardrobe to change into something alright. I decided to take it simple. I wore a plain white T-shirt, jeans and my TOMS. I grabbed my phone as I headed towards the door. I walked down the street towards Katie's. I didn't know where she was at, so I asked her via text. "The door with a rose on it. Red rose.", she replied. I searched for a door with a red rose and spotted it. I walked towards it and knocked. "Hey, Katie. It's Louis.", I said. "Coming!", someone yelled. I heard footsteps on the other side getting closer towards the door. She opened the door and smiled when she saw me. "Hey! Come on in.", she said. I walked inside to see a tidy condo. Wow. She's really clean. My condo is far from hers. Mine looks like a tornado just went by. Haha.

"Have a seat.", she offered. I nodded and sat on the couch across from her. "So, what do you wanna do today?", I asked. "Hmm. Actually, I don't have anything planned. I was hoping you'd help me with that.", she said. "Why don't we watch a movie?", I suggested. She agreed and went inside to get some movies.  I watched her as she came back in with some movies in her arms. Wow, she's so beautiful. Perfect face, perfect body, perfect everything. She must've caught me staring because she blushed and waved her hands in front of me. "Hey, hey, stop staring! You'll make me melt!", she joked. I went back to reality and shook my head. "Huh, what?", I said.

She chuckled saying, "You were staring at me like I was the movie." I laughed and she made me choose a movie. "I don't see why I shouldn't.", I said. She hid her face from me, but I could sense that she was blushing. Hmm. I chose The Avengers since I loved superheroes. "What? That's you're favorite?", she asked, amused. "Why? Is there something wrong? We can change it if you want. " I said. She shook her head and replied, "That's my favorite movie, too!" I smiled at her cuteness and said, "Well, I guess we have a lot in common. Maybe we're meant to be." She smiled and I saw a tint of red forming on her cheeks. She playfully slapped me in the arm. She looks so beautiful even in her simple ways. She started the movie and quickly made some snacks. The movie started and she sat beside me.

Every once in a while, I would pretend to be shocked by the scenes in the movie and quickly wrap my arm around her shoulder. She seems alright with it because she didn't flinch. I took the opportunity to lean in closer. I started moving closer and closer and closer. She must've noticed because she excused herself to get some more snacks, even when we still had some. "Uh, I'll get more snacks.", she said. I paused the movie while waiting for her. Was I taking it too far? She came back from the kitchen with two glasses of water. She handed one to me and I took a sip and placed it on the coffee table. She sat down again next to me and we played the movie again.

Halfway through the movie, I looked at her to see her texting someone. I know that it's none of my business to read it, but I just got curious. I took a little peek and read what it said. "Hey, how are you? I'm fine, thanks. Well, I gotta go now. Love ya!", it read. She sent it and looked to watch again.

'Love ya'? Who could she be texting? I couldn't contain my curiosity, so I asked, "Katie, don't be mad, okay?" She turned to look at me and asked, "Why would I be mad at you?" "I didn't mean to read, but, who were you texting ealier?", I finally asked. She looked surprised and stayed quiet for a while, thinking what to say. "Umm, why are you asking?", she asked. "Oh, uh, nothing. I just wanted to know whether you were seeing someone or not.", I said. "Well, yes, I'm seeing someone.", she said.

My heart practically dropped when she said that she was seeing someone. I didn't know what to say, my mouth just remained shut. "Oh. Well, that's great!", I faked smiled. She smiled and gestured for me to watch the movie again.

While we were watching the movie, nothing was going through my mind except for the words she said. "Well, yes, I'm seeing someone." Those words stung me. I wasn't really paying attention to the movie because I felt like my heart was stomped on many times. Was I jealous? Nah, impossible. I mean, I didn't like her that way.

"Well, someone's denying their feelings.", a familiar voice echoed through my head. Yes, who could it be? My subconscious. I know I care about her, but many questions remain in my head. "Do I have feelings for her? Why did I feel bad when she said that she was seeing someone? Was I jealous?"  "Well, maybe you're upset that whoever is the one she's seeing made the first move." Was I? Maybe my subconscious was right. Maybe I was upset that she couldn't see that I could care for her more than that guy could.

Well, I'm gonna prove that she's wrong.

A/N: Whoa, a determined Louis there! Could Katie be seeing someone? Who could it be? Any guesses? So, Louis is feeling the same. There you have it. But, could Katie still have feelings for him after she was "friend-zoned"? Well, find out on the next chapter. Bye guys and gals! Sorry for the late update. I'll make it up to you on the next chapter. Okay, bye again! -louise ❤️

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