CHAPTER 12-Nobody Compares

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I watched her as she stood there, her mouth agape. She was obviously surprised at my sudden actions.

If you were wondering, I really didn't mean it when I said that the kiss was just a mistake. Believe me, it wasn't. In fact, it was a blessing, more like a miracle. I was trying to make her jealous the whole time, because she did that to me like 5 days ago with the text.

She looked at me with widened eyes and a large smile was forming on her face. I knew I got the answer just by looking at her facial expression right now.

She's gonna be my girlfriend.


He stood there, watching me intently. My mouth was agape and I couldn't help but smile at the thought that he wanted me to be his girlfriend. Out of all the other good-looking girls out there, he chooses me, the girl who absolutely doesn't believe in herself. The girl who has a lot of insecurities.

It may be hard to believe, but I don't really think I'm beautiful. Never in my life did I call myself beautiful. My parents and close friends and I think everyone who knows me says this, but sometimes I feel that they're just saying this because they want me to feel better. I get insecured whenever a beautiful girl happens to sit beside me. I feel like I'm lesser than what she is.

So that made me wonder, what did Louis see in me? Behind the camera and the make-up, I'm just a normal 22-year old girl.

"But, Louis, why me? The girl you were talking to was much more beautiful than me.", I said, making my self-esteem go down again.

"What are you talking about, love? She doesn't compare to you! Nobody compares to you, Katie! You're beautiful and bright, you make my heart go wild. You always make me smile. You brighten up my day!", he said, making my cheeks turn red. I smiled and tears were brimming up my eyes. "Don't ever, ever think less of yourself. Because if other people can't see that in you, well, they're blind. They don't see real beauty.", he said, sweetly.

The thing about Louis is that, he's not fake. He means what he says, and I can tell. He may be cheesy at some times, but that's what I love about him. He never fails to cheer me up.

He loves me.

"Well, I'm afraid you still haven't answered my question, love.", he said, smirking. Oh, yeah.

"By what I just heard? The answer's yes! It's always been yes, Louis!", I said excitedly, wrapping him in my arms. He was overjoyed as well, and hugged me even tighter. The lads behind us clapped, and Zayn whistled.

"Finally, you're all mine, Ms. Williams!", he whispered in my ear. I smiled and replied, "You don't know how I've waited for this moment to come, Boobear.", I said. He pulled away immediately and looked at me confusingly. I winked at him and he asked, "How did you-" "Thanks to Harry over there.", I looked at Harry, who was laughing slightly. I figured out that Harry was talking about Louis when he said Boobear. Who else is Louis' gonna tell his nickname to rather than his best mate, right? My theory was proven correct when Louis turned and glared at him. "I'm gonna kill you, Hazza!", he shouted. The lads and I just bursted into fits laughter.

I turned him to face me, and believe it or not, he was blushing. I wanted to take a picture with him like this, but nah.

"Don't worry, Louis. We won't tell. Plus, I think it's really adorable, Boobear.", I said, winking again. He must be feeling irritated when he hears his nickname, which only made me wanna tease him more. What? Just because I'm his girlfriend doesn't mean I can't annoy him once in a while. Hehe.

He just rolled his eyes at me and we stood up, him lifting me up. Aww. What a gentleman. "Katie, these are my new best friends. Guys, Katie.", he introduced me to them. I greeted them and they returned the gesture. "The one with black hair is Zayn, and-", I cut Louis off. "The one with curls is Harry, the blonde one who is obviously Irish is Niall, and the last fella is Liam.", I stated. They all stared at me and I stood there with a victorious smile in my face. I'm quite observative, you know?

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