CHAPTER 29- Through the Dark

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A few minutes earlier...

I don't what that woman's problem is. She made such a big deal over an obvious accident. Ugh! Whatever. In fact, I shouldn't be getting angry because of all this.

Why am I angry right now? I don't even know why. If this was Janna, then I'd just shrug it off. How are we, you ask? Oh, we went our separate ways. Wanna know why? Well, if you found your girlfriend TOPLESS in the middle of the night inside your room lying on your bed with another man TOPLESS too beside her, you might also take things in differently.

She was begging me to listen to her pathetic lies, which I listened to. As if the would change my perspective on this certain matter. After hearing her lies, I asked her calmly to leave my house and to never come back.

The funny thing is I'm not even that heartbroken about her. That night after her failed attempt to explain everything to me, it just made our whole relationship clearer to me: she only needed me for my money and fame. She then yelled random things at me, saying she never really loved me and all that. Then finally, she left.

But no, this is not the reason why I'm flirting with Katie again. I just like annoying her. She looks cute when she's mad. I have to admit, I kinda miss her. Oh my goodness, what am I saying? I must sound like a teenage girl right now.

I was deep in thought when I saw something so disgusting. There he was plain as day, Christopher Mintz-Plasse kissing a blonde. I knew that he is Katie's boyfriend ( because of Google, thank you very much. ) and I remember that he was that rude drunken guy at the party about a year ago, the night I broke up with Katie. I didn't actually know what she saw in him, nor did I care about them.

But what really made me mad was the fact that Katie was just inside the restaurant, a few meters away from the window, not seeing her own boyfriend cheat on her outside. She was too busy on her phone, playing a random game, I think. And this isn't fair. He was already so deep in the kiss, he didn't notice me standing there.

So, I did what I thought was right. I don't know what came over me but I headed towards the front of the restaurant and punched the faker in the jaw. He fell down quickly and the blonde was in total shock.


What the- what's HIS problem?! I see blood dripping from my lip and I can feel a bruise starting to form on my jaw. "You little-", I was cut off by a furious Katie. "What's going on?! Louis, why would you do that?!" Louis scoffed and replied, "Why don't you ask your, and I quote, 'BOYFRIEND', what's wrong?" He looked at me, and if looks could kill, I would be dead right now. But I returned the gesture. There was silence for a moment."You'll thank me later." And with that, Louis walked away.


"Chris, what is he talking about? What's wrong? Does your bruise hurt-Wait, who's this?", I ranted on, referring to the blonde beside me, looking shocked as well. Chris fell silent, and so did the woman. She was wearing a super tight and short dress, showing her cleavage. I then looked at Chris, whose hair and suit were a mess, and who had lipstick smudged all over his lips. Tears were brimming my eyes. I kept telling myself to not think of the worst, but no matter how hard I try, all thoughts always lead to that one conclusion, and I dare not say it out loud.

"I'll ask you one last time, Chris. Who is this woman?", I asked again, my tone rising a bit. He was still not responding. The blonde seemed mad at him, too. She slapped him, apologized to me and excused herself to leave and hailed a taxi quickly, not wanting to be a part of our drama anymore. He watched the taxi drive away, which broke my heart even more. Then, this happened.

I slapped him.

I didn't freaking care about him anymore. All his actions, his gifts, his hugs and kisses were all lies! And I can't believe I was so stupid again! I can't believe I didn't see it coming, AGAIN! I looked at him, anger and pain evident on my face. I swear that I look like I was gonna explode because of how red I was. And yet there he was, tears welling up his eyes, making it seem that he did nothing wrong."Katie, I tried-" Slap! I did it again. "DON'T YOU DARE TALK TO ME! YOU'RE A LIAR! AND TO THINK WHAT WE HAD WAS TRUE!", I screamed so loud that all the customers inside looked at the scenario outside.

And all of a sudden, as if on cue, rain started pouring. I ran in the opposite direction, not knowing where I was really going. I just wanted to get away from everyone. After a few minutes of running, I grew tired. Eventually, I came upon a park. I sat down on the wet bench, and it's still raining by the way. I rested my head on my hands and just cried. I was getting worried looks from passersby, but it didn't matter to me. I wanted to be alone, maybe forever.

I was just so broken. I thought I was finally getting a second chance at happiness, but that chance was taken from me, again. Why am I such a fool? Why can't I sense that I'm about to get hurt? I know that you can't really do that but, why does love work for others? Why won't love work for me? WHY?! I was so broken that I fell on the wet ground. I stayed there for a while, though I was soaking wet already.

As I was about to get up, someone gave me their hand. I looked up, actually not surprised who it was. I rolled my eyes at him, yet took his hand. I was not in the mood for anything right now, so I kept quiet and sat down the park bench again, the other person, too. I wiped my tears, not wanting him to see me vulnerable. He knew that I wanted time for myself for now, he just knew. And I thank him for that.

I just hope to make it through the dark.

A/N: Whoa! Some fire there from Katie! The "Kris" ship has officially sunk, guys and gals! Yey! Do you think the "Louie" ship will sail again, and this time, for good? Well, you'll have to see for yourselves. There are only about 3-5 chapters left to write. :-( This is my first story and I will have to see it end... huhu... Anyway, please like, vote and comment! I haven't heard from you readers yet! Feel free to message me whenever you want! We can be best buddies on Wattpad, and who knows, maybe also in real life! Well, that's about it for now. Bye guys and gals! :-)

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