Chapter 2- He's Not So Bad

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Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!

Wha- why is my alarm clock going off? Oh yeah. I forgot. Today's the start of another new project for me. Actually, I'm quite excited about this particular project, and I have no idea why.

Still lying in bed, I stare at my window for a moment, you know, just thinking about stuff. I have to think about another job besides acting so that I have another source for money. I was thinking maybe, photography? Nah. I'm not good with cameras. All that lighting and whatever. Culinary arts? Yeah, maybe that'll work. What else? Ooh... Music. I've always been a music gal. I love singing, though I don't really think I'm good at it. My parents once told me that I can sing really well and that I should enter the music industry. Maybe I'll think about it thoroughly first.

I was still in the middle of my "future planning" when the alarm clock went off again. I forgot this thing has a snooze feature. I lazily turn it off and finally stand up. I look at the clock to check the time. 5:00?!? Oh no! Is that how long I've been thinking?! Gotta hurry now!

I quickly do my daily 'girly' routine and head to my wardrobe. Since Mr. Hanson told me to wear casual, I decided to wear a printed red T-shirt, jeans, flats and a casual jacket since it's cold outside. I head out the door and quickly grab my beanie and sunglasses. Sunglasses, you may ask. Well, since I'm practically a celebrity, I need to wear a disguise so I don't get mobbed by fans. I lock the door and decided to just walk instead of driving my car. I check the time on my watch. 5:20. Gotta walk fast. The good news is, the park is just meters away from my condo.

As I was walking, a fan approached me. Guess my disguise can't fool everyone. "Hi Ms. Katie! I'm Abby! I'm your biggest fan! Would you mind signing this and may I take a picture with you?", she ranted. I smiled at her cuteness and nodded. I sign the paper and quickly take the picture with her. She grinned uncontrollably and hugged me. Surprised, I just hugged her back. She waved and left. I just smiled at the thought of making another fan happy.

I reached the park 5 minutes early. Yeah, I hate being late. I look around to see quite a lot of people here. Staff and crew, I suppose. I look around and ask this girl walking by. She looked like she was part of the lighting crew. "Excuse me miss! Where can I find Mr. Mark Hanson?", I ask politely. "Oh, you're Ms. Williams, right?", she asked, recognizing my face. I nod and she leads me to where Mr. Hanson is. "Why, hello there, Ms. Katie! Early bird, yes? I'm Mr. Mark Gilbert Hanson. Just call me Mark.", he introduced himself. I wave hello and immediately glance at the man beside him. He was wearing blue stripes with red pants on. He was also wearing TOMS. He had brown hair and mesmerizing blue eyes. I feel like I've seen him before. Wait, did I just say mesmerizing?

"Oh, I forgot to introduce you to your leading man for this project, Louis Tomlinson.", he finally said. Oh yeah Louis Tomlinson. He is also one of the great actors. Some say he's really fun to work with. Louis reaches for my hand and I take it. "Katie Williams. One of the most gorgeous women in this planet and one of the most excellent actresses in Hollywood.", he complimented. I felt my cheeks lit up and I just smiled. "Louis Tomlinson. Also one of the greatest actors and known for his good-looks. Thanks by the way.", I complimented back. He smiled and we let go. "Well, now that that's all settled, let's head to the shooting area.", Mark interrupted. We nodded and trailed behind him. While on the way, Louis and I started chatting about random things. He would compliment me and I would blush and do the same.

When we reached the shooting area, he said, "Katie, I'll just ask Mark about the script ,okay?" "Yeah, yeah, sure.", I replied. He then went to where Mark was. I don't know why, but I just stared at him. The way he walks, the way he talks, his ever-so-good-looks, and his smile. Oh, I love his smile. I just stared at him, then he looked at me. Oh no. He caught me. I quickly pretended to read the script I was holding and looked at him through my peripheral vision. He chuckled slightly then asked Mark something again.

What is Louis doing to me?! Why am I feeling this way?!

A/N: Katie seems to be be mesmerized by Louis' looks. Do you think Lou feels the same? That cute Katie staring moment... :-) Photo of Louis again... :-)  Hope you guys like the story so far. Sorry for the boring parts. Update again tomorrow! Hi to everyone reading this especially Xcz_LoverS because he was my first follower. Please vote, comment, and like! Dedication to my next chapter for first comment! Love you guys and gals!                                                                 - louise ❤️

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