CHAPTER 37- Over Again

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I can't do this anymore. I packed my stuff into my duffel bag, checking my condo one last time to see if I missed something.

But no matter how many times I convince myself that everything is packed already, I still have this odd feeling that I'm forgetting something.

My heart.

Af if on cue, my chest suddenly ached. I placed a hand over my chest and it was beating ever so slowly. I sighed and muttered to myself, "I have to do this. It's for his own good. If I don't leave now, he might not get another chance at happiness."

Yet I can't help but feel so sad, so lonely. I feel something wrong even though I'm doing the right thing.

Great, now I sound like a One Republic song.

There's this voice in my head asking me how this is good for Louis. I just feel like I'm not the right girl for him. I'm sure each and every one of us feels like this from time to time when they're with someone they love.

Wait, did you just say 'LOVE'??

Oh my gosh I did. That means, I love Louis? Yeah, I know I said that I love him before, but I didn't think it was this deep.

He's hit me hard, real hard.

With that thought in my head, I rushed to my duffel bag and hurried up. I'm sure by now, Louis knows that I quit thanks to Mark.

Oh my gosh, he may be on his way here right NOW.

I ran out of my condo, giving it one last look and locking the doors. Good thing I already told the landlady that I'll be leaving already yesterday after giving her my last rent

She seemed sad upon hearing this, and she actually cried on my shoulder, telling me that I reminded her of her daughter when she was still here.

This is why I hate leaving places I've practically spent most of my life in.

It's just so hard to remove those memories and create new ones when you go to another place. Especially the ones that made you fall in love.

I exited the gate, giving it one last look again, and left, feeling tears running down my face.

Goodbye, Louis.


"Mark, where is she?", I said, bursting through the doors. "I told you, I don't know. All she said was she was quitting.", Mark answered, obviously annoyed that the shootings will be delayed and that new auditions had to take place.

What made her leave? I know she still loves me. She wouldn't kiss me like that if she didn't anymore. All I could ask was, "Why, Katie?"

Harru heard me, and patted my back. I looked at him, and he felt even more sorry for me. My eyes were already red and I knew and he also knew that the waterworks would come any second.

Keep it together, Lou.

I stopped myself from crying when I saw the other lads rushing in. "Louis!", they all said in unison. They hugged me and I did the same for them.

"Hey, guys.", I said, not that enthusiastic at that moment. "We have to tell you something, mate.", Liam panted, well, they all did. It's like they just ran 3 miles to get here.

"What is it?", Harry asked for me. They took a while to catch their breath, saying, "We... saw... Ka-Katie out... side... She was... getting on... a taxi... We tried catching up with... her... but the taxi took off..."

I sighed. It wasn't much of help, though. She could just be visiting a friend, maybe to take some comfort.

Just then another familiar face caught our attention. It was Gracie, and she, too looked like she ran a marathon.

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