CHAPTER 27- Change Your Ticket

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We made our way back to the shooting area where I left Mark, the lads and my bestie, Gracie. They all seemed shocked at my arrival, probably thinking I would really quit and leave them. But no, I would not be a spoiled brat just because Louis is here. I will not show him weakness. I will prove to him that I can live without him.

As I set that goal in my head, Gracie walked towards me and instead of yelling at me for leaving them like I expected, she hugged me sincerely. Like she really missed me and understood how I felt. It's crazy how much a best friend can know you in just a short period of time.

Mark, who seemed pleased at my return, looked at Louis like he was thanking him for something, whatever that is. I don't care.

"Okay, listen up, folks. Shooting starts in 30 minutes. So head to your stations, get ready and be back here exactly at 9:30, got it?", Mark announced. A chorus of 'yes's echoed throughout the area. I headed down to my station, which if course would have to be right next to his station. How wonderful! (Note the sarcasm.) I rolled my eyes and Gracie laughed at me.

"You're really funny when you're mad.", she said, laughing. "Gee, thanks, bestie.", I said with a chuckle. As I made my way to my station, he walks over. Great, what does he want now?

"Oh hey, didn't expect you guys to be here!" Ha, yeah right. "Well, I better get going. Nice seeing you, Katie." And with that he winked, smirked and left.

Wait-what?! Why did he wink at me? Is he seriously flirting with me right now? Can't he see I'm not here for him?! Ugh, he's so cocky and annoying!

"Whoa, who put something in your coffee? You seem pretty tense, girl.", Gracie said, snapping me out of my thoughts. "Ya think? He just winked at me!", I stated the obvious. She just chuckled and shrugged. "So? What seems to be the big deal? He just winked at you, it's not like he's trying anything."

As much as I hated to admit it, I was pretty disappointed with the realization that it was just a plain, innocent wink. I thought it meant something.

Wait, why am I thinking this? No, you will not like him again. He will just break you and leave you like before.

Yeah right, brain.
Shut up, heart.

WAAH! I think I'm going nuts!

I pulled myself together and went straight towards the costume area,where Gracie was already picking out my outfit. Once I was dressed, I headed towards the shooting area, where Louis and Mark were waiting. They were impatiently tapping their feet against the hard, concrete floor. Men.

I rolled my eyes at them, earning a chuckle from Louis and a scoff from Mark. It was just gonna be me in this scene, thank goodness.


A/N: Yes! She came back! Hi guys and gals! Yeah, I know, I've been away for a long time. Sorry about that. Anyway, I'm back! I heard Harry left already. T-T 1D, please don't leave us just yet. Well,I hope you liked this chapter. Photo of Louis <3 :) Please like, vote and comment! Thanks to all those reading and voting for this story! Let's make this reach 1k guys and gals! Bye and see you soon! :)

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