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Hey, loves! Long time, no see! I would just like to say, wow! When I opened my notifs today, I didn't expect to see 17k reads on this story! You guys are the best! I thought the highest I would reach was 12k, and I was already ecstatic, but no! You raised the bar, my dear readers!

I am so thankful for having readers like you, guys! I appreciate all your comments, likes and votes on my story. Thank you for bearing with my typos and sometimes incorrect grammar. I wrote this when I was about 13 years old, so yeah. Hahaha.

And I have something to admit: I'm not that obsessed with One Direction anymore. I guess I just moved on from their genre. But, don't worry, I'm still a fan because once a Directioner, always a Directioner. So, you can all still talk to me about 1D and stuff, okay?

But hey, I heard 1D's getting back together! Is it real, or just a hoax to get us fans hyped up? Message me, guys!

That's all I wanted to say and again, thank you so much, readers! You made my day! Love lots! ❤️ -Little_Miss_Rocker (my new username by the way)

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