CHAPTER 25- Long Way Down

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Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep-

I cut my alarm clock off. I've gotta admit, I haven't used that alarm clock for 2 months now. And now that I'm using it again, I'm not too thrilled.

I looked over to my side to see Chris's back facing me. I sighed and got off bed. Something's up between Chris and I. It's just that lately, he hasn't been as sweet as he was before. I'll talk to him about it later.

I walked towards my bathroom and you know, did my daily routine. I chose to wear a white t-shirt with little colorful hearts on it, jeans and high heels. Not forgetting Chris, I wrote him a note saying I'll be back by 8:30 P.M. I grabbed my purse, cellphone and car keys and headed straight for the door.

I got in my car and drove all the way to the address Mark texted me. The drive wasn't that long, actually. It only took me 15 minutes to arrive at the venue. As I parked my car, I noticed a large group of people gathered outside the venue.


I quickly ran inside and avoided any questions from them. I looked around and spotted a familiar brunette girl. I walked over to her and patted her back, making her turn around and gasp in shock.

"KATIE?! OMG! Long time, no see! How are you?!", Gracie hugged me without hesitation. I hugged her back, saying, "GRACIE! I've missed you, too! I'm fine. How ya doing?" That little encounter led to me telling Gracie everything that has happened in the past year.

"So, how are you and Chris?", she asked out of the blue. Not wanting her to know our problem, I just casually replied, "Mm, we're good. Everything's going fine. You? Anything I ought to know about your lovelife?" She blushed and suddenly, Liam showed up out of nowhere kissing her on the cheek. "Hey, babe.", greeted Liam. I watched them intently as Gracie realized that she hasn't explained to me yet. "Oh, Katie, umm... uh... Liam and I... we're...a couple now.", Gracie replied, stammering. "REALLY?! Wow, congratulations, you two!", I said. Gracie smiled at me sincerely. Liam, on the other hand, looked like he had seen a ghost just by staring at me. "Katie? Is that really you? Wow, you're getting more beautiful every time I see you.", Liam said, walking over to me and hugging me tight. I hugged him back and said, "Yes, Liam, it's really me. Aw, thanks! You're getting more and more gorgeous, too!" He smiled and we all chatted for a while.

I excused myself later on to find Mark, realizing I haven't even seen him yet. Gee, he must be furious right now. I looked around and me, being the klutz I am, bumped into someone. I stumbled a bit and looked up, rubbing my head in the process. "Oh, miss, I'm sorry- Katie?", asked the man. I watched his face clearly and recognized him as Harry. "Harry? Hi! How are you doing? Sorry for bumping into you.", I apologized. He chuckled and said, "Oh, I'm fine, thank you! No, it's me who's a klutz. Sorry about that." I smiled at him and we walked together chatting for a while.

He later led me to the room where Mark was in. "He's been looking for you, Katie.", Harry said. "Yeah, I know. Mark will kill me.", I replied, fear evident in my voice. "Oh no, not Mark.", Harry added. And with that, he left, leaving me confused.

Mark wasn't the one looking for me. But then, who was it?

I just shrugged it off and opened the glass door. I found 4 backs facing me and some make-up artists, camera crew and the like. Upon hearing my entrance, one of them faced me, revealing Mark. "Katie!", he greeted,making the other 2 backs face me, revealing Niall nd Zayn. The other one looked shocked, yet didn't face me."KATIE! How are you?!", Niall and Zayn asked in unison, practically strangling me and tackling me on the ground. "Guys, please let me breathe.", I said in between deep breaths. "Sorry." And they got off me, chuckling and helping me up afterwards. "I missed you too, guys.", I said, hugging both of them, which they gladly returned.

As if on cue, Harry, Gracie and Liam joined us in the room, smiling. It actually scared me a bit. "What's going on?", I asked curiously. "Katie, today you will be performing a very difficult role by portraying a super secret spy...", Mark explained. I know there's an 'and' coming.

"... And..." I knew it. "... you will be meeting your leading man for this movie. May I present...", he said as he patted the back of the other guy who still hasn't faced me. He slowly faced me revealing... it can't be.

"... Louis Tomlinson."

A/N: Oohh... so they got set-up by Mark, the lads and Gracie! Clever move, there. Enjoying the story so far? Hope you are.Thank you for the growing amount of reads on this story! Please help this story reach 1k readers! Also, please like, vote and comment guys and gals! See you soon! :)

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