Chapter 2

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Mention of rape and sa


POV Bruce:
Finney and I sit down at the table, greeting our friends. We hear them talking about something and just listen. They didn't even greet us back, so they probably didn't even notice we were there.

I walked up behind Vance and tapped his shoulder, to what he slightly flinched. I chuckled, you don't see Vance Hopper flinch every day, it's fun when he does it. He glared at me and I just stuck my tongue out.

"Where were you Guys? We thought you've left us!" Robin complained, moving to sit next to his boyfriend.

"We were in the library." Finney said chuckling. "Why the fuck would you go to the library during lunch?" Vance said to what I just rolled my eyes. Vance's always like that. He death stared me. And oh boy, if looks could kill I'd be 6 feet under.

"Aww is Vancey mad at me?" I said in a high pitched voice. I like messing around with him, knowing he would beat the shit outta me after but it's worth it. Much to my surprise he just rolled his eyes and continued the conversation with Billy and Griffin.

I looked over at Finney and Robin, who are talking - flirting to be exact - with each other. I just sit there kind of awkwardly not knowing what to do.

After Lunch.

I just sat there during lunch not talking to anyone, they were all deep into their conversations. Robin and Finney flirting and Billy, Griffin and Vance talking about the most random shit. I had time to think, and I really wish I didn't have to. I kept thinking about the Grabber.

I'm walking to my next class, this time I'm alone though. I sit down and listen to Mrs. Chané tell me something about how important maths is and how I'll need it my entire life.

Usually I can pay attention all the time and learn everything really quick. But today I just didn't get anything. I start to get a weird feeling in my stomach. I raise my hand, asking my teacher for permission to use the restroom. After I stood up and walked out I rushed there.

I lock myself in the first stall, not caring about the weird smell and throw up. I hate throwing up, it's disgusting. I mean.. not as disgusting as me but still...

After I'm done I flush the toilette and sit down for a second, breathing heavily. I suddenly heard knocking on the stall door.

"Aye! Who's in there?!" I hear someone yelling, noticing smoke coming from the outside of the stall. I open the door and see Vance standing right in front of me, a cigarette in his left hand.

"Holy shit, you're pale as fuck!" He yelled out and I just chuckled. "Nah, I'm fine." That was straight up bullshit. I feel terrible right now and I could tell that Vance didn't believe a word I said.

He just dragged me out of the bathroom to the nurses office. Turned out, I have high fever and got send home.

Guess what... Another timeskip.

I'm at home laying on my bed about to fall asleep as I hear something hit my window. I look at it and see little stones hitting my window. Who the fuck would throw stones at someone's window? Am I in trouble or something? Perhaps a bully?

Another stone, a bigger one hits my window. I stand up sighing, walking over to my window. Whoever it is I can't just let then throw something at my window almost breaking it.

I open the window looking down to see the others standing in my garden. "What're you guys doing here!" I yelled confused. They were all here, Mr. Gymnastics, paperboy, bandana kid, Rocket man and pinball Vance.

"Let us in already!" Vance yelled. I told him to shut up and closed the window rushing downstairs opening the back door. My parents aren't here yet. Luckily they don't have problems with my friends staying at our house.

It's just that my father doesn't like Vance and Robin because they get into fight and apparently they're just trouble and bad influence's. My mom doesn't think so, she knows them and how nice they are. My father just assumes. I like my mother more than my father anyways, he always pressures me about grades and baseball it's so annoying.

"Will you move out if the way already?" Robin said and laughed at me. I realized that I was still standing in the doorway blocking they're way into my house.

I couldn't even response because I was lifted up and thrown onto someone's shoulder. "VANCE! You motherfucker put me down!" I yelled, my fists hitting his back. He just walked inside as if I'm a fucking feather and not hitting him.

Suddenly he grabbed me by my legs and lifted me, so my head faced the floor and my feet were up to the celling.

"Still want me to let you go?" He looked at me and I looked at him, trying to reach the floor with my hands.
"Don't you FUCKING DARE drop me!!" I struggled against his grip and slightly screamed, everytime he pretended to let me fall.

Eventually he put me on my feet again and we all get up to my room.

"Hey Bruce, where are those bigass mirrors that used to be in your room? And the one on your door is gone too?" Billy said. "The bathroom one's gone too!" Robin stated. I froze, I couldn't tell them the real reason, they'd just laugh at me. Just because I was touched? Robin and Billy were touched too. Just cause I was touched... a little... More.

"Bruce!" I flinched, they were all staring at me. I zoned out again, didn't I?

"They're broken." I said quietly, starting to fidget with my fingers.
"You had like two mirrors in your room, one on the outside of your door and one in your bathroom. And you wanna tell us they're all broken?" Finney raised a brow.
"How dumb do you think we are?" Billy asked.

"I don't think you guys are dumb, I just don't know either. They were just gone. Anyways, let go watch a movie." I said, trying to change the subject. "Are y'all staying tonight? It's Friday after all." I asked and they nodded.

They sat down on my floor.
"Well.. I only have two spare mattresses and my bed. So I think we'll have to go three pairs."

Finney and Robin immediately said they'll share one.
"But y'all won't fuck, right? You're at a friend house that'll be rude." Vance said smirking at Robin.
"We'll see." Robin said smirking back. Finney just sat there blushing hard as fuck.

"Uhm... Billy and I would share a mattress.. would that be okay?" Griffin asked. I like Griffin he's a cute Guy but very shy. I nodded and they just smiled at each other, cheeks slightly red. I think they're secretly seeing each other but to scared to say anything yet.

"You cool with sharing my bed?" I asked looking at Vance. I looked into his beautiful ice blue eyes. Everytime I look him into the eyes I feel like I'm going to drown in them. He just nodded and we all went to get the spare mattresses.


Words: 1234

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