Chapter 10

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Mention of sa and rape
Child abuse


POV Bruce:
I wake up to see that I'm in the basement again. I was shocked, how is this possible? I was alone this time. The door opened and he walked in.

"You... How is this possible..." I mumbled. "Oh Bruce.. I wasn't dead. I was alive and I've been watching you. I've been watching you all the time. You kept thinking about me cause you're obsessed with me." he smirked.
"No.. no that's not true.. I hate you!" I yelled, tears building in my eyes as he approached me with big, slow steps.

"No this isn't real.. I'm dreaming." I said before slapping my face. Nothing. I slapped my face even harder, still nothing.

I felt even more pain hit my face now, but it wasn't me, it was the Grabber.

Why does it feel so real... I stood up and ran. I heard loud steps behind me. I didn't dare to look back, I just kept running up the stairs, which never seemed to end.

I felt a tight grip on my neck and was thrown back. I fell onto a bed. It was the same one he used to rape me on. My hands were cuffed up to the bed frame.

I saw him talking of his pants as I closed my eyes shut. I felt someone hovering over me and as I opened my eyes I saw Vance. But before I could do anything I punched him. Right into the face with my fist.

I was drenched in sweat as I sat up straight, the others sitting around me, Robin talking care of Vance's nose.

"Fuck.. I'm so sorry!" I apologized but Vance just said he doesn't care about his nose.

"Bruce, something is going on and we're really worried about you."

"You can tell us, we're here for you."

"We want to help you, we really do."

So many comforting words, but I just can't deal with it right now. "Please excuse me for a moment before getting up to go to the bathroom.

I think about it for a second, but then look into the mirror. I'm disgusted, I feel like I'm gonna throw up right here, right now.

I splashed some water in my face while thinking of an excuse to give them. They won't believe me if I say I'm messing with them again, will they? Maybe I should just tell them the truth. Maybe that's the right thing to do.

So after a few more minutes I leave the bathroom and walk over to the others.
They all stared at me. "So? We're expecting an explanation." Vance said, holding a tissue up his nose.

"Well the thing is... I'm scared because of my sexuality and if I date a boy and someone finds out it could ruin my life." I blurt out. FUCK. That's not what I wanted to say.
I wanted to be honest.
I wanted to ask for help.
I wanted to ask for advice and
I wanted them to be there for me.

"Don't worry, I'm sure no one will find out!" Robin said, "and if anyone does and they decide bothers you they'll regret it." Vance continued. I smiled, it wasn't a fake one, I'm happy to have them as my friends, I really am.
Even though I wish me and Vance were more than friends but whatever...

"Okay well I'm sorry for making you guys worry. Let's go back to sleep now." I said and we all went back to our sleeping places.

"Hey uhm... Would you mind if we cuddle a little..?" I asked Vance and he just smirked, pulling me close to him as he closed his eyes. "Sleep well sweetheart." He grinned.

"You too darling" I chuckled as both our faces turned red but it was already dark again so you couldn't notice.

Timeskip to 9 am

I slowly wake up, I didn't have any dream after the other one. I was so uncomfortable but with Vance with me it wasn't to bad.

I can't believe my comfort person would really turn out to be Vance Hopper, the same Vance Hopper everyone feared or hated.

I look around, everyone was still asleep. Last night was hard, I almost exposed myself. It's probably better the way it is right now. I sat up and walk over to a little shelve, looking through a few book and take one about plants.

I look over to my friends to see them slowly waking up. "Good morning Guys!" I smile as they looked at me. "Damn Bruce.. how long have you been awake?" Vance groaned. "Oh, I just got up around 5 minutes before you guys did." I chuckled, my friends definitely weren't morning people. Robin looks like he's gonna kill someone the way his face looks.

Billy looked at the clock "Awe man.. we missed breakfast." He whined. "What do you mean?" Finney asked as he stretched. "We're having breakfast at 8:30, no expectations. Do you Guys wanna go out for breakfast? I'll pay." Billy said and he definitely didn't have to say that twice as we all stood up, ready to go for our free meal. 

We walked for a while till we saw a nice little café and went inside. We sat down at a table and looked over the menu.

A waitress came over to out table, "Good morning gentlemen. What can I get you?"

Griffin and Billy ordered hot chocolate,
Finney ordered tea, Robin and Vance ordered soda and I ordered a cappuccino.

"And to eat?" She asked.

Robin and Billy ordered Sandwiches, Vance ordered Bacon, eggs and toast, Griffin orders waffled with some whipped cream and fresh fruits and Finney and I ordered pancakes with maple syrup.

As the waitress left Robin looked at me. "Since when do you drink coffee?" He asked and I shrugged. "Tried once and liked it I guess" I said, it sounds better than saying that I stay up all night, learning for school, practicing baseball or just not wanting to sleep so I don't have any nightmares like last night.

A few minutes later the waitress came back handing us our drinks and another waiter came with our food.

We thanked them as we started eating. It was delicious, we all agreed on that and smiled.

Billy gave the waitress a good tip before we left. We didn't excactly know what to do so we just walked around.

"I'm going to grab n go, bye losers." Vance said when we said our goodbyes. I didn't exactly know what to do except for what I did next.

"Hey Vance, can I come with you? I don't know what else to do." I asked with puppy eyes.

"Fine but don't fucking look at me like that." He mumbled and rolled his eyes while I smiled brightly.


Words: 1155
I don't know I feel like that one's terrible. The beginning is so cringe, I definitely fucked it up.💀

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