Chapter 11

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Sa and rape (flashbacks)
Child abuse
Blood and violence
Self harm


POV Bruce:
Vance and I made our way to grab n go where Vance beloved pinball machine is.

When we got there everyone standing near it immediately left. "Damn.. I guess people really do fear you, hm?" I jokingly said.

He glared at me. "They better do." He growled as we walked to the machine. Vance pulled out some coins and started playing while I sat down on a chair next to it.

"Bruce, are you sure you want to just sit there and watch me play? You can leave, I don't care." He said, not tearing his eyes away from the game.

I'm a patient person and if I thinks something is worth for me to wait, I will. Normally, if this would be any other person, I wouldn't want to sit here. But this was Vance Hopper and sadly the boy I fell for.

"Hey man, what's up!" I heard someone yell. When I looked up from the game I saw one of Vance's friends stand there, I think his name was Dan? (Made up character).

"Damn.. what's the baseball star doing here? Is he like those other girls somehow obsessed with you?" He chuckled. "Bruce is my friend, fuck off." Vance said annoyed. Vance was still concentrating on his game, it looked really good for him to finally beat his high score.

Dan came closer to me, which made me stand up from my chair, and backed me up in a corner. "Don't you wanna hang out with me too?" He grinned. I just awkwardly smiled back going a few more steps back.

Just second later my back hit the wall and I could barely dodge his gaze. "Hey uh.. do you mind moving away a little? You're a bit to close.." I said putting on a forced smile to not seem rude or intimidated.

"Oh come on, don't act like that." He smirked and I was starting to feel really uncomfortable.

That's when Vance put his hand on Dan's shoulder and pulled him back. Just after you heard a sound of the pinball machine. The one it makes when you lose.

"Not cool dude." He said rolling his eyes. "Shut your mouth before I make you." Vance spat and glared at him. Dan left and Vance turned to me.

"You okay Bruce?" He asked, his face had a genuinely worried expression. Like he actually cared about how I feel, of course ha cared, he's my friend after all. My heart beat faster and I got that feeling in my stomach.

I smiled, "Yea, thanks to you." And he returned a small smile.
"Did you.. did you blow your game for me?" I asked curiosily and he just slightly blushed, "The game was blown anyway.." he mumbled and looked away.

"You wanna play again?" He hesitated, "yea, but I don't have fitting coins anymore." He grumbled as I took out some coins and handed it to him.

"Again, thank you. I was really uncomfortable there.." I muttered directly looking at him. He was confused, you could tell just by looking at him, but I guess he just shrugged it of, took the coin and continued playing.

I watched him with heart eyes, he's just so handsome. He looks calm but also concentrated. A few of his looks hung in his face, his beautiful blue eyes glued to the little ball inside the machine.

I looked out of the window and saw two guys fight. I thought for a moment, Vance has got in way less fights after the Grabber incident. He wouldn't start them if not for a good reason, but he wasn't backing away if someone told him to fight either.

I looked back at the machine and then saw a few friends of mine jokingly pushing each other. I then realized how close they actually were.
Dangerously close.

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