Chapter 8

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Mention of sa and rape
Child abuse


POV Bruce:
After breakfast we decided to go to the park and talk for a little while.
We sat down on some grass next to a lake. It was nice and actually really pretty.

I looked around, no one seemed to be here so I decided to do something. And I'm honestly slightly scared even though I don't actually know why.

"Hey Guys... There's something I've been meaning to tell y'all. It's about why Finney and I were in the library during lunch on Friday." I said and everyone looked at me. Finney seemed a little surprised, probably cause I decided to come out already. I trust my friends, I really do. I don't think I have to be scared to be dumped by them.

POV Vance:
I looked at Bruce curiosily and so did the others. "Well... Finney and I were reading a book about sexuality's, and I found out that I'm pansexual, well I think that's what it was..." We stared at him blankly. Did he just say he's attracted to pans?

"Bruce.. they don't know what it means." Finney chuckled and so did Bruce. "Right. Sorry haha.. it basically means-" he looked around once again, making sure no one else would here him. Understandable of course. "-that I'm attracted to any gender and only the personality matters to me." He smiled slightly, waiting for us to say something.

I was the first to speak up, "That's cool." I was saying that with the most casual voice I could manage, but I was screaming on the inside. I might have a chance.. huh? But I do have to admit that if he only cares about personality and stuff it could be hard.

The others just replied with 'nice' or 'cool' and thanked him for telling us. "Man.. I'm glad you Guys are cool with it. Honestly, I don't even know why but I was scared to tell y'all."

I blush slightly, thinking about kissing Bruce and holding his hand whenever we are in private or just with the group. We can call each other sweet pet names and he'll actually mean it. Everytime I called him 'Sweetheart' or anything like that I meant it. I want him to be my sweetheart.

POV Bruce:
Vance was being awfully quiet. Did he not mean it? Did he feel weird cause we slept in the same bed? Will he not want to do that anymore? I mean.. I really don't want him to be uncomfortable around me.

"Vance.. are you okay?" I mumbled, he sat right next to me so we managed to talk without anyone else hearing us. He just looked at me, not saying anything, a slight shade of pink flushing up his face.

"Look Vance.. I swear I didn't do anything while you were asleep. And I can completely understand if you're uncomfortable with sharing a bed now. Just tell me, I promise I won't be mad.." I whispered smiling slightly, a hint of hurt in my voice.

He quickly shook his head, "No, no, not at all..! I'm not uncomfortable, I promise. And I really don't mind sharing a bed with you." He smiled, it was a beautiful smile. Well duh.. his smile's always beautiful..

"Okay... thank you." I grinned. There was a moment of silence and it felt like everything around us disappeared for a few seconds.

I snapped out of it as soon as Vance spoke up. "Uhm, I'd like to say something too.." he coughed. "I guess if we're that open now, I can also say that I'm... Gay.." he mumbled, his cheeks turning bright red.

We all stared at him in disbelief. Vance is gay? So... I have a chance, even if it's just a tiny one?
"So.. we all like dudes?" Robin asked and we nodded. So I'm pansexual, Billy, Vance and Robin are gay and Griffin and Finney are bisexual.

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