Chapter 16

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Mention of Self harm
Mention of sa and rape
Mention of child abuse
Mention of suicide


POV Vance:
Bruce told me about everything and I was shocked. Rape? Abuse? Suicide?...

I couldn't believe it and I really didn't want to. But Bruce showed me his scars and cries so much and I just don't know what to do. I'm on the edge of tears myself.

He looks at me, his eyes red and puffy. I wanted to say something. Anything. But I just couldn't manage to say anything. It was like I had a knot in my throat.

POV Bruce:
I stared at Vance. I wanted him to say something. What if he's grossed out? What if he thinks I'm disgusting and doesn't want to be my friend anymore.

"Shit.. this was a stupid idea.. I'm sorry Vance. I- I should get going!" I stuttered as I stood up to leave the room, about to cry again. Why am I so fucking stupid and so god damn weak?!

"Bruce! Please.. wait... Please don't run away again..." He said as he stood up. He looked at me and gently pulled me into a calming hug.

He wasn't grossed out.

I smiled as more tears run down my face, hugging Vance back. We stayed like that for a few more minutes till he eventually pulled away and walked me back to the bed again.

"Bruce, I'm sorry for not saying anything back then. That was stupid. But please listen to me now." He looked at me, squeezing my hands.

"You're an amazing person and the most beautiful, sweetest and kindest soul I've ever met in my whole entire life and hearing that really broke my heart. If there's anyone on this terrible planet that doesn't deserve something as horrible as that, it's you. You deserve all the love and care in the world, not that shit." He squeezed my hands tighter and I saw tears forming in his eyes.

"Look I really suck at comforting people. But I want you to know what I care for you and I really and I mean really like you and you're the most important thing in the world to me." A single tear ran down his face, while mine was already drenched in them.

I smiled and pulled him closer to me, connecting our lips. It was awesome. I felt great and I'm sure he did too.

After about 30 second we pulled away to breath again and laughed, our foreheads still touching.

"Thank you, Vance." 

Timeskip after 2 weeks

3rd person POV:
Bruce and Vance spent all their free time together, they would hang out during lunch and pass little notes in class.

Vance managed to help Bruce to not feel that gross anymore. He, of course, still had a long way to go but Vance was always there to help him. He would try his best to comfort him when he breaks down and listens to him.

No one else knew. Vance and Bruce didn't even tell the group anything. Not about Bruce's problems and not about them liking each other.

They just weren't official yet. Neither Bruce nor Vance dared to ask the other one out, but of course one of them had to do it someday.

POV Vance:
Today's the day. Today I'm going to ask Bruce if he wants to be my boyfriend. We like each other and I feel like he's going to say yes. But I'm still scared. What if he thinks it's to early? What if he thinks I only want to.. yk and use him? No. He wouldn't. He knows I'm not like that.

I told him to meet me at the park, at the small spot next to the lake. It's our groups favorite spot. There are literally no people there. It's like the park is abandoned.

The other group members are all busy today, it's Sunday after all. Some have to clean their room, some spend time with the family and some just watch TV I guess.

Hm... What should I wear? Ah fuck.. I've never done this shit before. I just grabbed a white tank top and ripped jeans, get dressed and do my hair.

I grab the chocolate and the flowers, red roses. He said those are his favorite.

I get out of the house and make my way to the lake. When I arrived I realized that he's not here yet, so I just lean against a tree and wait.

POV Bruce:
I'm getting ready to meet up with Vance. When he called me he seemed kinda nervous. I'm not sure, but maybe he's in trouble? Does he want to break u- no Bruce. You Guys aren't dating dumbass.

I grab some black jeans and a green shirt. I walk into the bathroom and look into my new mirror and smile. I can finally look at myself again. I still feel kind of gross and the flashbacks are still there, but I'm really lucky to have Vance by my side.

I get dressed and take care of my messy hair. I walked out of my room and downstairs to the living room to meet my mom.

I walk up to her and hug her. Our lives are better now, ever since we called the police on my father for physical and mental abuse.

I say goodbye, leave the house and take my bike to go to the park.

After around 10 minutes I arrive and see Vance leaning against a tree, hiding something behind his back.

I get off my bike and walk over to him smiling. "Hey Vance! How are you??" I asked and he smiled. "I'm good. What about you?" "I'm good too!" I told him.

"So there's something I want to ask you..." He said and I looked at him curiously.

"Look Bruce, I really like you, you're amazing. You're smart and kind and can make anyone laugh. The day I saw you playing baseball on the empty field I fell for you. I wanted to talk to you but I was scared. But now you're here and my feelings for you only grew day for day, so I want to ask you. Bruce Yamada, do you want to be my boyfriend?" He asks and holds out chocolate and my favourite flowers.

I was stunned. Vance just asked me out.
In reply I just swung my arm around him and pulled him into a deep kiss.

"Now isn't this interesting..." We heard and my heart skipped a beat.

I pulled away quickly and looked at the person standing behind Vance.

"For fucks sake Robin!" I yell and he laughs at us and so do the other three boys standing next to him.

Vance turns around frowning.

"I knew it!" Finney exclaimed and we all burst into laughter, even Vance chuckled slightly.

After I calmed down Vance and I looked at each other, the corners of our lips turning up at the same time.

"And to answer your question, I'd love to be your boyfriend."


Words: 1176

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