Chapter 15

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Sa and rape
Self harm
Homophobia (?)
Child abuse


POV Bruce:
When I woke up I felt my head ache. I wanted to rub my eyes, but as soon as I touched the left one I let out a slight scream. Ahh.. I remember haha.. the beating yesterday.

I stood up making my way to the bathroom. The amount of times I almost fell is uncountable.

I looked at the clock. 6 am.. I hurried to take care of my wounds, it didn't take long this time, only half an hour.

The problem is my face. I'm not capable of looking into a mirror, so I can't take care of my eye. Whatever... I'll just say it was some bully I guess?

But what about Vance? I can talk to him, right? He likes me after all.. I think. I don't know why, or how it's even possible but whatever...

I go downstairs, my packed bag already on my back. I hear my stomach growl, but I'm really not in the mood to eat anything at the moment. I feel like shit right now and just want to go back to my room.

I decided to walk today, I have enough time. It would only take around 45 minutes to walk to school so I would still have 45 minutes till school starts when I arrived.

I started the walk and thought about what I would say when I meet Vance. I like him. I really do. I want to be with him and I will ask him.

I think I'm ready to tell him. I'll tell him what's wrong with me. I think if I don't tell anyone, I'll actually commit. I need someone to talk to.

I kept thinking till I finally arrived at school and saw everyone. Everyone except Vance.

"Hey Bruce, nice to see you!" Billy smiled and I smiled back. "Hey Guys.. where's Vance?" I asked and they shrugged. "I think he's sick." Robin said.

"Oh okay." That's fine. I'll just meet him after school. "Hold on- What happened to your face?!" Finney exclaimed. "O-oh.. just some Bully's, it's fine.." I gave them a crooked smile and Robin frowned. He's probably gonna beat some of our bully's again. They do deserve it after all.

I went on with the school day, everything seemed normal. To normal. Maybe I'm just lucky today?

I was walking back home and thought about the day. I wanted to get ready before going to Vance.

I heard steps behind me, but I didn't think much of it. It's a sidewalk, of course there are other people.

Suddenly I was pulled into an alleyway by rough hands. Was that Vance? It did feel a little like him. I was pushed against a wall and looked up.

This wasn't Vance. It was Dan and some other dude I believe is called Steve. Dan pinned me against the wall, just like he did in the bathroom. But there were two of them, but no Vance. There wasn't a Vance that could come to my rescue.

I tried pulling away from his grip as he held a knife up to my throat. "Don't scream. We just want to have some fun with you, fag." Steve said and I felt tears build in my eyes.

I'm not letting this happen to me. I'm not taking this shit again. I took a deep breath and kicked him. Right between the legs. He screamed and backed away, right into his friend. This way my chance.

I started running and I heard them close behind me, their steps fading away slightly. I was faster than them. Slow ass bitches.

I arrived at Vance's house and started knocking in it like my life dependent on it. And honestly, I think it did.

The door opens and I rushed past Vance and quickly shut the door. I finally let the tears flow as I looked at the door, Dan and Steve banging against it. "Bro, open the door!" Steve yelled and Vance looked at me. He walked over to the door and opened it. Just as Steve and Dan wanted to walk in he hit Steve. "Fuck off. Don't talk to me again. Don't bother me again. And if you ever dear to lay hand on Bruce again you will regret it." He growled and they both ran away.

He then looked at me and hugged me, telling me it's gonna be okay. I cried into the crook of his neck for 20 minutes straight.

I finally pulled away from him and he led me to his bedroom and made me sit down on his bed.

"Did they do that to your face?" He finally spoke up. I thought for a moment and then shock my head.

He wanted to speak up again, but I interrupted him, "You asked me what's wrong with me. I was scared to tell you. I thought you'll hate me and think I'm disgusting. I'm ready to tell you, but I need to know if you're really okay with me bothering you with my problems..." I mumbled, not looking away.
"Bruce, I'll never hate you. I'm listening, please tell me." He said and took my hands in his.

I sighed and then started talking, "Ok. So you know when the Grabber kidnapped us, Robin, Billy and I were.. touched.. right?" I said and he nodded.
"Well.. it wasn't just like I said it was. I mean everytime he took me with him to touch and beat me. He didn't 'just' touch me. He raped me. Multiple times a day." I said and he stared at me in shock. Tears started to fill my eyes and I broke eye contact.

"He would beat me. He'd abuse me everytime and it was gross. He would make me do stuff. And he would do stuff to me. Bad stuff. I would see him in the mirror so I destroyed them all. I felt disgusted by myself and would cut my thighs. That's the reason they bled the other day. I did in last night again. On my stomach though." I told him and slightly raised my shirt to let him see the bandages.

"Everytime someone touches me I remember the torture. That's why I freeze everytime and feel uncomfortable." I stopped for a second because of the tears and I saw his eyes getting slightly watery.

"And now please don't be mad... Last night I tried to.. I tried to.. kill.. myself.." I mumbled, getting quieter every words. I couldn't look up to him. I wouldn't have been able to see him anyways.

"My father saw me and he beat me. He's the one who gave me the black eye. But overall I just felt disgusted and hated by myself."

It was silent and after my vision got slightly visible again I looked up to Vance.


Words: 1156
I didn't want him to tell Vance so soon but so many people wanted it, y'all are welcome lol.<33

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