Chapter 4

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POV Bruce:
I slowly wake up, hearing chuckling.
I turn my head to see where the noises are coming from and see Robin, Finney, Billy and Griffin sitting on the mattress to the left of my bed.

"Good morning Guys.." I yawned and looked down to them. "Morning Dude, how'd you sleep?" Robin asks.
"Slept good, what about you Guys?" I replied and they all have me the same answer I gave. I looked at the clock, 12pm.

I look behind me, seeing Vance still asleep and snoring slightly.
"We should totally apply make up on his face." Finney chuckled and we all agreed. It's funny after all.

We go to get my mom's make up, careful not to be to loud as my parents were still asleep.

After we got it all we headed back to my room and started to give Vance a makeover. A few minutes later we were done, and totally stunned.

He's got purple and blue eye shadow and a black eyeliner. Billy and Griffin did that.
Robin painted his eyebrows into a shade of green, I didn't even know my mother got green make up.
Vance lips were bright red thanks to Finney and I took care of the blush and drew little hearts all over his face.

"Beautiful." Robin stated and we all agreed laughing.

"Bruce have you seen m-" My mom walked in. She looked at me, then my friends and then at Vance. She chuckled and took her make up. "Please make sure he doesn't kill you boys, I'm not gonna take responsibility for that. And also Bruce, I'll be gone in ten minutes for work and you're dad already left. You can make yourself breakfast, you're friends too of course." She said and closed the door.

"Man you moms right, what's he gonna do to us when he wakes up?" Billy asked and we just look at each other. "I don't know but I'm gonna go shower now, see you Guys later." I say rushing over to my closet and getting new clothes.

"But you showered yesterday evening already? You don't have to shower twice a day you know?" Finney stated and I just looked at him and nodded. "I don't. Oh and have fun with Vance" I mumbled before leaving.

He was moving slightly so you could assume he was about to wake up. But there are no mirrors anyways so they don't have to worry.


"RUN GUYS!" Billy shouted and Finney yelled at Robin. "DUDE WHY DID YOU HAVE TO START LAUGHING!" And he responded with "WELL YOU'RE THE ONE WHO TOLD HIM!".

I heard the chaos and then it was silent.
They were good friends, sad it has to end like that I guess.

"Bruce! Open the fucking door! I wanna wash of the damn make up!" Vance yelled from outside. "Did you beat up the others?" I asked, continuing to wash my gross body. "They're not hurt badly now open the door." He shouted, clear annoyance in his voice.

"I'm still showering!" I yelled back and he was silence for a few seconds.


I was surprised. "What do you mean 'so?'?! I'm obviously not opening the door naked." I shouted back.

"Then hurry the fuck up!" He banged against the door and I sighed. I hurried to dry off and get dressed to open the door. As soon as I saw Vance I couldn't hold back my laughter and he pushed me aside while I was basically dying.

He got back out and grabbed me by my hair, pulling me towards my room. I try to pull away but he just grips my hair tighter. Suddenly he stops, makes me face him and pulls me real close to his face.

"Do something like that again and you'll regret it." He whispers in my ear in a threatening voice, sending shivers down my spine as I quietly nodded.

We returned back to the others and I saw that they didn't even have bruises, what they were obviously happy about.

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