Chapter 5

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Mention of pedophilia
Mention of sa (and child abuse?)


POV Bruce:
I look at Robin a little confused and then at Vance, who blushed real bad. What the fuck is 7 minutes in heaven? Is it about kissing or something?

"Uhm... What excactly is that?" I ask and Robin looked at me surprised.
"You don't know the game?" He chuckled and looked at Vance who was cursing him out already.

"Y'all go into some closet and then make out or kiss or whatever. But it's most common for people to make out." Finney explained and my eyes grew wide and I felt my cheeks heat up.

POV Vance:
Of course Bruce doesn't know what this game is, he's literally so innocent. But I really don't wanna blow it. I'd literally die to get to kiss those lips.

"B- but I haven't even had my actual meant first kiss yet!" Bruce said worried and Robin just shrugged. Yea, he can definitely be an asshole sometimes. But who am I to say that? Also... Actual meant first kiss? Did he already kiss someone he's not related to? Who?

"It's a dare, you gotta do it or are you scared?" Finney smirked at him.
"Guys he doesn't ha-" I was interrupted as my eyes widened slightly.

"Fine. I'll do it."

He stood up and offered me his hand and as I took it, he pulled me up roughly, just like I did it.

POV Bruce:
Shit.. what the fuck am I doing?! I'm barely comfortable with physical touch, and now making out with a friend? Would that be my first actual meant kiss? The lips of someone who isn't a child kidnapper and pedophile? Ugh just thinking about it makes me wanna throw up..

I started playing with my fingers as Robin guided Vance and me to a big closet.

Robin was about to close the door as I spoke up.
"Stop! I can't do that!"
"Why not?" He asked. I said I just can't and begged him for another task. He agreed and we sat back down.

I didn't look up, but I felt their eyes on me.. it's so embarrassing to chicken out like that.

"So Bruce... Since you decided to change your task, it's gonna be a much worse one.." Robin said and smirked.

"We're gonna make a drink for you with the most disgusting, eatable, things we can find and you have to drink it all." His smirk grew wider.

Worse? This is so much better than the closet thing. They went of to the kitchen and I just sat there for a little while.

POV Robin:
"So... Take anything you want and then put it next to the blender. One thing each person." I said as the others started searching.

I took a bottle of ketchup and put it next to the blender.
Billy and Griffin came to me and said they want to mix milk and orange juice in it. Finney lends me a bottle of grape soda (if ykyk) and Vance got salt and pepper.

I took the stuff and put it into the blender and after a few seconds I pour it into a glass. It looked disgusting and it smelled even worse.

We walk out of the kitchen to the living room sitting down again. I then pass the drink to Bruce and he looked completely grossed out, guess we really came up with some shit.

POV Bruce:
So gross.. how is it even POSSIBLE for me to see myself in a drink? Well  not the drink but the reflection of the glass... But why do I have to see myself in it? WHY? How is this possible that I get a glass with a reflective surface?! I KNOW that Robin's uncle doesn't have much of those. UGH...

I sigh and bring the glass to my lips to sip on it. It's horrible. I keep drinking until it's empty to see the others staring and laughing at me.

"Terrible." I yawned. The others laughed at me and my grossed out face.

"Hey Guy's, it's late, maybe we should go to bed now. I don't know about y'all but I'm tired." Billy said and Griffin, Finney and me nodded in agreement. Robin and Vance just shrugged and stood up with Billy. Billy and Robin of course offered they're boyfriend's a hand, saying "Let's go, Dear." And "Come on mi amor." Lovebirds.

I looked at Vance, I don't know why. I just did. He jokingly offered me his hand once more. "LeT's Go BaBy." He said in a weird voice and pulled me up. This time it was gentle though, and not rough. I chuckled as we all went to our rooms and Billy and Griffin were getting comfortable on the couch.

Me and Vance laid down. It's was a small bed and we were really close.

"Hey uhm... You wanna cuddle again? I mean- if you're cold cause you know at your house you were cold but you don't have to of course. Only if you wa-" he couldn't finish because I already laid my head on top of his chest.

We laid there in silence, I had my eyes closed already and I felt Vance playing with my hair. I usually hated it, but if Vance does it it's okay. He's a good friend of mine after all.

"Hey Bruce, when we were in the closet and you said you can't do this.. what did you mean? Were you scared cause I'm a boy or that I'd hurt you? What was wrong cause you seemed like you'd pass out any second.." He whispered. I froze and acted like I was asleep, but he didn't buy it.

"I know you're not sleeping Bruce..." He chuckled.
"It's nothing really, just a little overwhelming thinking about the whole situation I guess.." I say, playing with my fingers one again.

"I'm dumb Bruce, but not that dumb." He said. "Did I do something? Did Robin or I make you feel uncomfortable? I'm... sorry if that's the case." He said quietly, Vance hates apologizing and now I feel even worse for lying to them.

"Don't worry, I'm fine. Really. I'm just very tired right now." I mumble and he just continues to play with my hair till I finally doze of to sleep.


Words: 1049

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