Chapter 3

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POV Vance finally:
We went to Bruce's parents bedroom and got the spare mattresses. I'm still thinking about the mirror thing, it's really suspicious. I know for a fact, that Bruce always liked his looks and he was never insecure about them.

I knew Bruce before being stuck with him, everyone did, duh... But I kind of had a crush on him. I didn't think much of it but when we spent time together I was just happy and there weren't many people that make me happy, only my mother, and well, now Bruce too.

I just kinda fell in love with him, but I know he's straight so I won't even bother trying.

"Dipshit, get going!" I heard someone yell. It was Robin and he was looking straight at me. "Fuck you, Robin." I shouted back. I saw Finney mumbling something and Robin turned bright red and started walking away with their mattress.

Me and Bruce carried Billy's and Griffin's cause they're weak as fuck and couldn't even lift it.

I noticed that Bruce kept avoiding the mirror in his parents room and if I think about it, he also avoided the mirror in the school's bathroom as I walked him I to the nurses office.

I wanted to ask, I wanted to know really bad. But on the other side I felt like it was none of my business and like I shouldn't care. I should actually be more distant to Bruce cause I like him, but here I am, about to share a fucking bed with him and as I see a god damn blanket too, cause there are only three blanket's in Bruce's room, one on each mattress. I sigh quietly and luckily none of those idiots or Bruce hear it.

"Y'all can start a movie, I'm gonna go shower real quick!" Bruce said, taking some clothes out of the closet.
"Didn't you shower this morning? Your hair was still wet when you met us in front of the school." Robin said concerned.

"No I didn't? Maybe it was sweat or something I don't know. Bye!" Bruce quickly left the room.

"He's acting really strange..." Billy said and we all agreed as we heard a slight sound of water, probably Bruce in the shower. Omg I should NOT imagine Bruce in a shower fuck...
"Guess there's nothing else to do now... We could ask later if we don't fall asleep?"
"Yea, I guess you're right. But not while watching the film."
"Yeah but what will we wa-" I was about to pick up the remote as I was talking, but the bandana kid grabbed it before I could.
"We're watching Texas chainsaw massacre obviously." He said jokingly rolling his eyes.

Everyone got comfortable on they're bed.
A few minutes into the movie I noticed that I couldn't hear the shower anymore. After 10 more minutes I got concerned. Why would he need that long to dry if and get dressed??

"I'll be back, gotta go to the bathroom." I said before leaving the room. I walked over to the bathroom where Bruce was and knocked. I heard silent sobs and the Bruce opened the door, not looking up at me with only his head peeking out of the door.

"Yeah...?" He said. I grabbed his face and made him look at me. His eyes were puffy and red, so we're his cheeks. He pushed me away slightly, chuckling and saying he fell down and cried cause of the pain.

He looked at me, wondering why I didn't say anything. Then he realized it.

"Look Vance, I- I can explain!"

I gently took his wrist and looked at his bloody knuckles, then behind him to see shattered glass everywhere on the floor.

"For fucks sake Bruce..." I mumbled shoving him inside and locking the door behind me.

I told him to sit down and got the first aid kit, patching up his knuckles after cleaning them. Bruce looked away the entire time. Why he fuck would he smash the fucking mirror?

POV Bruce again:
I couldn't look into his eyes, I feel so ashamed, embarrassed and grossed out of myself. I just want to start crying again, but I hold my shit together, I'm not gonna embarrasse myself even more.

"Bruce, look at me." He said coldly. I was afraid to meet his gaze but he didn't seem mad nor disgusted. I only saw his eyes soften, which I had never seen happen to him.

"I'm sorry... I'm so sorry..." I mumble, almost starting to cry again.

"It's fine, but why did you smash the mirror?" Vance asked. I looked away, I couldn't bring myself to tell him.

"I don't know, I just thought about my last grade and that it wasn't good and snapped." Straight up bullshit. But Vance seemed to believe it.
"As long as it's nothing serious." Vance shrugged.

We walked back to the others, who had already fallen asleep.
Griffin was laying in Billy's arms and Finney was literally being crushed by Robin who laid right on top of him.

We chuckled at the sight and decided to go to sleep as well. It was already past midnight and I knew my parents won't be home before 6 in the morning.

Vance and I lay down in bed in silence. Uncomfortable silence. I'm freezing, I usually use two blankets but they're all being used at the moment.

I looked over at Vance who has been staring at me. "What?" I asked and he replied, asking me if I'm cold. I told him that I am and then he looked at me.
"I'd usually never offer this, but cause I know you're not excactly good right now it's fine I guess. Do you wanna cuddle or something, maybe you won't be that cold." He said and I was stunned.

Before I could even reply I felt his arms wrap around me, pulling me into a warm embrace. I felt safe and I felt good. And something that I didn't think I'd ever experience again, I didn't feel disgusted and I wasn't uncomfortable being touched.

Not like I'd tell anyone, but ever since the Grabber incident I hated hugs and anything including physical touch. I literally despised it. But this? This embrace made me feel great.

I just snuggled into Vance's chest, hearing his heart beat. It was a little faster than the usual heartbeat, but whatever. I closed my eyes and slowly dozed of to sleep.

"Goodnight, Bruce."


Words: 1088

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