Chapter 7

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Mention of sa and rape


POV Bruce:
I stayed awake the whole night, I just couldn't sleep. I actually fell in love with my friend.. I never thought it could be that terrifying, only thinking he could ever find out and hate me literally brakes my heart.

I know he's not homophobic, Finney and Robin are dating after all. But what if I tell him I like him. That'll make everything between us awkward and we couldn't normally hang out anymore!

He'll definitely dump me as a friend. Will I have to leave the friend group? I'm sure the others will still hang out with me, right? Or will they be mad at me for ruining our friend group?

I should've known though. There had to be a reason for me not being uncomfortable by being touched by him.

I sigh and turn to look at the clock. 7 am... I could go shower real quick. The others won't be up for the next few hours, if I'm quiet enough they won't notice.

I decide to do so, Robin usually doesn't mind us using his bathroom anyway. I don't have spare clothes with me, but as long as I can just wash myself and not be so dirty I'm half way satisfied.

After maybe ten to fifteen minutes I get out of the bathroom, already dried and dressed again. This time I was careful of drying my hair. I walk back to the bedroom I share with Vance and lay back down. I'm just gonna pretend that I didn't shower again.

I've got this feeling that I'm being suspicious, I mean I'm probably being way to obvious. I can't look at myself, I have to clean myself and yesterday while we were playing truth or dare and I got my dare... We're just not gonna talk about this. But it was literally so fucking embarrassing!

The drink I got after wasn't that much better either. I mean I was able to taste milk and I think oranges? Maybe some ketchup but I couldn't make out more. Overall you could say it way genuinely disgusting.

Whatever, not the time to think about that fucking drink at the moment. Can I even love? Would I be okay kissing him? What if he wants to make out some day?! What if I have a panic attack?! Would I have to tell him? Could I tell him? Will he understand? Can he help me to... not feel disgusting anymore? God that's sounds literally so dramatic...

Ugh! I shouldn't think like that. He's Vance. He'd just tell me to suck it up. And he'd be right, I should just suck it up.

So what if I can't look at myself anymore?
So what if I can't kiss anyone anymore?
And what if I hate myself for being disgusting and used?

It's my problem. I just have to suck it up.

I look at him and think for a few seconds before cuddling up to him. A small tear runs down my face as I tell myself to suck it up once again.

Get your shit together man... You're being overly dramatic, no one likes that. Just suck it up, you're not special. You're just some gross kid that was touched by some gross man. There's nothing about you, you were just the lucky one to be chosen. You should be happy anyone think about you like that. Have you never thought about that? Ha! Pathetic.

POV Vance:
Bruce is now laying on my chest and I saw a small tear run down his face.
What the hell is going on?
What is wrong with him?

I've been awake for the least 30 minutes. He was showering again, he's been staring at me, he was crying and now he's cuddling with me.

Do I have a chance? Is it possible for him to like me back? But that doesn't explain his weird behavior.

I think about a moment.
Always showering,
Not able to look at himself,
He freaked out when we were supposed to kiss or make out or whatever it would've been.

I have no idea what it means, at first I thought because the Grabber touched him, but Robin and Billy were touched too. They experienced the same thing and Bruce is though. If Billy can take it, Bruce can do that too. No offense to Billy, he's nice I guess.

As soon as he fell asleep again I wrapped my arms around him. "I'm gonna find out what's wrong, just you wait..." I mumbled and closed my eyes.

Timeskip to 10 am

I slowly open my eyes to see that Bruce isn't here anymore. I'm kinda disappointed, I liked the feeling of him on my chest and overall just so close to my body.

I stand up walking out if the room to look for my friends. They're sitting in the living room and admired something on the couch. I walk around it and see Billy and Griffin cuddling.

"Aren't they like super cute?" Finney said, not looking away from them. "I guess they do seem kinda sweet." I admit. "Sweet? They're absolutely adorable!" Robin exclaimed. And I just shrugged.

"Breakfast's ready!" We heard someone yell from the kitchen. Bruce? Did Bruce make breakfast for us? And yes, when Finney, Robin and I walked into the kitchen there were six plates with eggs, bacon and some toast.

"I wanted to make pancakes but I could find everything I needed.." Bruce mumbled and sat down.

As Robin, his little boyfriend and I sat down Billy and Griffin walked in and sat down with us. They noticed us staring at them smiling and smirking so they just looked at each other before sighing.

"Yes we cuddled. And yes, obviously we were really cute. So? We're all dating each other." Griffin spoke up. He's never usually like that... So confident, maybe even a little cocky? I don't know.

Suddenly I felt eyes on me, and I saw them staring at me and Bruce.
"What?" I growled, munching on some eggs. "Did we do something?" Bruce asked in a slightly worried tone.

"Are you two not gonna deny the fact that Griffin just said you two are dating?" Finney asked and we just started at him. Did he? I didn't notice... And also I didn't want to admit it but we can't let any rumors go around our group so I spoke up before Bruce could say anything.

"We aren't dating dumbass, but he never said that either!" I said, clear annoyance in my voice as they looked at me.

"Actually I did. So you two aren't?" Griffin asked and I just glared at him, face slightly red.

POV Bruce:
I could feel my face heat up at Griffin's statement. Vance and me dating? Why would he think that? Especially after I freaked out at the game yesterday.

"Why would you think that?" I laughed slightly. "I'm not sure, you two just seem like a good couple.." he mumbled and everyone else agreed.

Vance insulted them and I didn't know what to say, my face was bright red and I sat there not knowing what to say or do.

"Okay y'all shut up now! I made breakfast for you guys and it's getting cold. You guys could appreciate me some more!" I whined and they laughed and jokingly apologized.

"Thank you a lot Bruce. The breakfast is very good and we are very thankful for you serving us such good toast, eggs and bacon." Finney said, hardly trying not to laugh. The others just nodded and smiled.
"Now that's more like it." I grinned.


Words: 1276

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