Chapter 14

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Sa and rape
Child abuse
Self harm


POV Bruce:
Oh fuck.. did I really just do that? I backed away looking at him. "Fuck- I'm so sorry!" I yelled as tears started to build in my eyes.

I wanted to stand up and run out of the bathroom but he held me back, pulling me close to him and sits me down in front of him.

"Bruce, I like you. I really do and I would kiss you right now, but something is wrong with you. You freeze by physical touch and act weird. I want to hug you right now, but I'm not going to if you feel uncomfortable." He said looking at me, his cheeks red and I felt my face head up.

Holy shit, did Vance Hopper just say he likes me?! I sit there for a few seconds speechless. He starts playing with his fingers, "Look, I completely understand if you don't like me back ju-" he was interrupted by me kissing his lips.

It was awesome. They were soft and they tasted like.. "Do I taste strawberry?" I teased and he rolled his eyes at me. "Yes. And you use cheery chapstick?" I nod and smiled.

I don't remember the last time I was actually this happy. "Vance, I li-" I was interrupted by him shouting, "What the hell Bruce?! You're bleeding!" I was shocked and then looked down at my legs. No.. not now!

My trousers were bloody, not much but it still was there. I panicked, I didn't feel dizzy yet though. "D- don't worry, probably just because of that asshole." I chuckled. Please believe me Vance, please...

But no. This time he didn't just shrug it off. He looked at me, I didn't know what to do. I laughed. This was my only chance. I have to play it of like a joke again and it has to be convincing.

"No Bruce, don't laugh something's wrong!" Vance yelled and raised his hands to protest or whatever. But that wasn't the important part, the important part was, that I flinched, almost falling onto my back. How was that even possible?

He looked at me.
I looked at him.

"Bruce, what was that?" He said calmly as he lowered his hands. I can't do this, not now, not ever!

I stood up in spite of the pain in my legs, I couldn't stay there any longer. I had to leave. I ran, I ran as fast as I could not looking back or paying attention to where I'm even going.

POV Vance:
I sat there in shock, what happened to Bruce. First he starts bleeding on his thighs, then he flinched as I raised my hands. Was he on his period? No dumbass, only girls get that... Was he scared of me? No.. he never was. But he was scared of something, right?

I was deep in my thoughts and when I finally snapped out of it I saw Bruce exiting the bathroom.

Should I follow him? Probably, right? But what if he's mad at me? No... Why would he be.. shit-

I stood up and ran after him, he was fucking fast. To fast. I eventually lost him at the crossroad.

Shit shit shit what should I do now...

But what even happened to him..? I stood there for a while, trying to figure out what was wrong, but I couldn't. I don't know enough about the human behavior.

POV Bruce:
I stopped running and looked around for a minute or two. I have no idea where I was, so I just continued walking till I saw a familiar street, it was only a few away from mine and happened to be the one Vance live's on.

No.. I'm not ready to face him. Not now...

I kept on walking till I was finally at my house, I only skipped one class cause my other teachers were sick. Apparently some had food poisoning, something was wrong with the fish they ate. Whatever.. the point is, I'm not gonna be in trouble luckily, also my parents aren't even home yet and that's something I'm really thankful for. I can't face them like this.

I walked into my house, up to my room. I walked into the bathroom and pulled down my trousers to remove the bandages. There was so much dried blood and a bit of it was fresh.

I looked over at he blade.. a few more won't hurt. I took it and looked at my thighs. They were already covered in this shit, so I looked at my stomach instead. It can't be my wrist after all...

I started cutting it.
One cut for being a fairy.
A second cut for liking my friend.
A third one for being a coward.
A fourth one for being useless and used at the same time.
And another big one for being disgusting and not being a virgin anymore.

I'm not dumb though, I knew how deep I can cut without it making serious wounds. I cried so much and let the blade fall. I dropped to my knees and thought about everything.

Just like half an hour ago, I believed I was the happiest boy alive. But now I just want it to end. I looked at the blade I had.. "I'll need a bigger one..." I mumbled and stood up, dragging myself to the kitchen.

I stood in front of the big knifes and took one. I looked down at it.

"Hey! What do you think you're doing?!" He yelled. My father. He wasn't supposed to be back yet. I turned around shocked and realized that you could see all my wound since I'm only wearing boxers.

"Oh you think this is funny?!" He shouted as he snatched the knife away from me.
"What did I do to deserve you?!" He screamed in my face. Did he smell like alcohol? Kinda I think...

He slapped me across the face sending me flying to the floor. "Seriously what the fuck is wrong with you?! You think I'm a bad father? Is that it?!" He yelled.

"N- no I just-" I tried defending myself but he leaned down to me and slapped me again.

"You're a fucking brat."

The same words repeated in my head.

(Might be a little disturbing to some people again so feel free to skip⏸️)

"You're a fucking brat. I should just kill you and fuck your dead body, that way you can't fight back." He said as he pulled my hair back to look at my tear stained face.

He chuckled, "but sadly a corpse doesn't feel pain." He spat in my face. Literally.

"Fuck you!"

No. No no no... "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it! I wa-" I couldn't keep talking. I felt a hard punch into my stomach and a kick in my chest. It hurts, it hurts a lot...

He threw me onto the floor and pulled my hair back, ripping some of it out. He pushed me down to my knees and opened my mouth forcefully. We were in the kitchen, so he just grabbed some dishwashing liquid and poured it into my mouth, forcing me to swallow it.

I coughed as he finally let go and I dropped onto all four.

I heard him say "Perfect, stay in this position." as I felt him about to pull down my shorts.

Here we go again...

(▶️Ok short- he was abusing him and at the end he was about to rape him. I don't know if you'd say that part was worse than the other flashbacks but I decided to just put another little warning here.)

"I'm sorry father..." I mumbled as he hit my face. That's gonna be a black eye.. I sigh as he finally left to go to his room.

I didn't lay there any longer, I ran up to my room. It hurts. Everything. I walk into the bathroom once again, taking care of all my wounds. I cooled my eye with some cold water and got dressed for bed after bandaging my wounds.

I lay there thinking.

If my father wouldn't have been there, I'd be dead now, huh...
I'd be free from all the suffering.
But I'd be gone. Would my parents miss me? Would my friends miss me? But the most important question is... Would Vance miss me?

Ah... there's this comforting feeling again. I smiled slightly. He said he liked me. Does he really like me?

I keep thinking till I eventually fall asleep.


Words: 1435
Coming back from school right now lol. I don't have much homework today, just some french work sheet, just wanted y'all to know I guess? :D

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