Chapter 6

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Mention of rape


POV Bruce:
I wake up in the middle of the night, I don't really know why, it just happened sometimes. Well ever since that Fucker raped me while I was asleep. I look around the room, it wasn't completely dark, there was moonlight shining into my room.

I look over at Vance and smiled slightly, he looks so peaceful when he's asleep. I wanted to lay down again till I see something.

There's a bigass spider right on the bed frame literally staring at me. I let out a quick scream before I jump out of the bed.

The bed bounced slightly and Vance moves. I can't stand spiders, they're so disgusting. Why do they have eight legs? Were six not enough?!

"Vance..." I whisper yelled, hoping he'd wake up and after a few more tries I succeeded. He looked at me confused and pissed, he hated to be woken up. He saw me standing in the corner of the room looking scared.

He got out of bed and walked over to me. "Bruce.. what's wrong?" He says softly. I pointed at the spider and mumbled something, something not even I could understand. "Are you serious? You're waking me up because of some tiny spider?" He complained and I just glared at him.

"Okay okay, I'll get rid of it." He mumbled and walked over to it. He just casually grabbed it, walked over to the window throwing it out, while I just watched in shook. How can someone just touch this thing?! If I ever had to touch that thing I'd definitely be terrified, I mean I can't even look at it.

We exchanged looks before he laid down and spoke up again. "You coming or nah? Don't you wanna cuddle a little Sweetie.." he said playfully and I just rolled my eyes. I did get a little red though. Well yeah of course, I was called a pet name. That happened everytime. "Yea darling, I'd love to cuddle with you. As soon as you washed of the gross spider bacteria left on your hands." I said smiling at him. He was red too. Point proven. People just get red by being called pet names, that's a fact.

He got out of bed again and smirked coming towards me. "What the fuck do you think you're doing.." I stared at him blankly. "Come on sweetie.. give me a big hug!" He grinned slowly approaching me. "I swear to God Vance, try to hug me and I'll kick you in the nuts." I warned backing away till I reach the very corner with no chance of dodging him.

He was already so close, so I decided to stay true to my word. I was about to kick him, only inches left to actually kick him but he stopped me, using one of his spider hands. "Ahh! Get your hands off of me!" I shouted, not caring if anyone could hear me.

He backed away laughing uncontrollably. "Relax sweetie, I'll go wash my hands.." he laughed out and left to go wash his hands. "Fucking asshole.." I thought getting back into the bed.

POV Vance:
A few minutes later I came back and slid under the blanket. "Took ya long enough." Bruce scolded me. "Thanks to your screaming I was met with an angry Robin and a sleepy Finney in the kitchen complaining about the noises we made." I replied and glared at him. He rolled his eyes at me and turned over.

"What? So no cuddling? Will you even survive, I don't want you freezing to death if I'll have to be the responsible one. I'm not taking the blame." I complained and he just mumbled a quick whatever.

Nah, I ain't doing that. I even washed my hands for him. I snuck up behind him and spooned him, patiently waiting for a response.

"Bro, fuck off. Since when are you so touchy?" Ouch.

POV Bruce:
I'm not quiet sure why, but calling Vance Bro feels weird. Maybe it's just because it's the first time I called him that.

"Ew don't call me Bro." He said backing away, I was a little disappointed not gonna lie... It was so comfortable and warm. "Why not?" I asked. "Because you sound like Moose calling one of his friends." He said. How dare he compare me with that douchebag?! "Did you seriously just compare me with Moose? Are you kidding me??" I complained, hitting his shoulder.

"Fuck you.." I whined and closed my eyes once again, still pissed at the comparison.

It was silent for a moment. Out of curiosity I opened my eyes again, just slightly almost not to notice. In the corner of my eyes I caught him staring at me.

I waited for a few more minutes. He didn't change his position, he just kept staring at me. Just as I was about to close my eyes I saw him smiling. It wasn't a mocking grin or some cocky smirk, it was a genuine smile.

He then closed his eyes and shortly after he fell asleep. I turned so I was completely facing him, studying every little detail in his face while I was in thoughts. I don't know why, but there was this weird feeling in my stomach and I really didn't like it.

I was staring more and more, I looked at his beautiful and slightly messy hair, I looked at his eyelids which were still slightly colored. If you look closely you can still see the slight ombre effect of blue and purple eyeshadow. He had eye bags, they weren't intense but if you're a little closer you can see them.

I stared at him a little more and thought for a while. My eyes then widened, and if I say that, I mean that they could've basically fallen out of my face.

Do I like him?
Do I really like THE Vance Hopper?
That's not possible, is it?
But I do like boys I'm ban or can or whatever it was...

Well, guess I'm fucked now. I mean it's not like he'd like me back. As far as I'm aware he isn't even attracted to Guys, and even if he's was, would he like me? I'm like any other dude, just more disgusting. And I wouldn't say that for attention, I mean I haven't planned on saying that in front of anyone but still.

I just don't think he would want a basically already used boyfriend. Why would he?


Words: 1093

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