Chapter 13

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Sa and rape
Child abuse


POV Bruce:
It's finally lunchtime and Finney and me rush to the cafeteria, both of us wanting to be the first there. But of course Vance was already waiting for us.

"Aw man.. I wanted to be first." Finney said and Vance laughed at him. "Skipped my last class just to be here before you fucker." He grinned and Finney glared at him.

"You wanna fight little boy?" He asked and Finney quickly stepped behind me, using me as shield. "Finney what are you doing?" I looked at him with a crooked smile. "I want you to protect me! He'd never attack his boyfriend." He said and I quickly looked around, there's no one here yet.

"Idiot be careful! You can't just yell out something like that." I scolded him. I waited for a few seconds. I waited for Vance to say something like 'especially if it's not even true' but he didn't. I didn't either and Finney obviously noticed because he smirked slightly.

We stood there in silence for a while. I coughed, "Let's sit down, this is getting awkward." And we laughed as we sat. Not long after the cafeteria filled with people, including the rest of our group.

We all sat at the table and talked. "So.. you guys wanna hang out today?" Finney asked. Billy and Griffin looked at each other and then back to him. "We can't today.." they smiled, they're just so cute together. "Lovebirds.. y'all are gross." Vance mumbled and they stuck out their tongues.

"Oh shut up Vance, you're just mad you don't have a boyfriend..!" Robin whisper yelled, we of course had to make sure no one else knew about our sexuality's. We all giggled as Vance's face grew red, I'm not sure if it's was out of anger or just blush but it was hilarious to watch.

Billy and Griffin thanked Robin for protecting them and we kept on talking. I sometimes glanced over at Vance, I mean how could I not? He's just so handsome... I just want to pull him close to me and kiss him, but I can't do that for obvious reasons...

Timeskip after lunch because I say so

Lunch's over and I'm headed to my next class. I don't like maths, Mrs. Chané is rude and annoying. She says here subject is the most important one, but everyone, including me, disagrees.

I stood in front of the classroom for a few seconds, preparing for the mental torture I'm about to experience once again. Just before I could walk into the room I was pulled out of the doorway.

"C'mon Bruce, let's go do something fun." Someone said, I didn't see them, they covered my eyes, but the voice was awfully familiar and sounded like a boy.
Was it one of my friends? Does he wanna skip school?

I was pulled into the bathroom and pushed against a wall. I looked up and my eyes widened in shock. It was Dan.

"Dude let go of me!" I yelled, he used one of his hands to pin both of mine over my head. "Don't act like you don't want this." He said as he leaned down to kiss me.

"You're acting like I'm a bad person, but you're the bad person. I'm just making you feel what you deserve to feel. You should consider yourself lucky I don't actually hurt you, you're just being a pussy." He said as he bit my neck and I flinched at the sudden pain.

I tried to pull my hands out of his grip, but him being a grown up adult it was impossible.

Me laying on the bed, him hovering above me. This was something to happen to me almost everyday. One of his hands pinning mine above my head, the other on my crotch. It sickens me.

"You deserve all of this. You'd deserve even more, but like I said I'm a good man." He grinned. "No. No you're not!" I shouted. Next thing I knew was feeling aching pain in my face and stomach. He punched me using the hand that was placed on my crotch and is now placed on my waist again.

"Do you wanna repeat yourself?" He asked and I just quietly shook my head. "No.. I'm sorry Sir." He looked at me for a second, about to raise his fist again. "I- I mean daddy!" I yelled, shutting my eyes. Yes, who would've guessed, he disgusting pedophile has a daddy kink.

I started crying and Dan looked at me. He didn't give a fuck. He pressed his leg against my crotch. Did he think that would turn me on? Gross. It just made me wince in pain.

"Just be quiet. I'll have my fun and then we can pretend like this never happened, okay?" He asked, even though it was more of a command than a question.

"No.. please.." I cried out. I felt his hand sliding down my shirt, unblocking my belt. He was about to slide his hands into my pants till he was forcefully removed by none other than Vance Hopper.

"The fuck you think you're doing?" He asked and Dan ran out of the room before Vance could beat the shit outta him. I slid down on the wall after fixing my belt and hugged my knees. I didn't know what to do. It happened again.

I should've looked out. If I would've looked out it wouldn't have happened! It's the same thing as with the grabber, just the grabber was way tooworse of course. I'm so fucking stupid.

Vance kneeled down in front of me. "Do you want a hug or something? I don't want to just do it, I don't want do make you feel uncomfortable..." He mumbled and I slightly nodded.

He then sat down beside me and pulled me closer to him. "I'm sorry... I'm sorry if I would've looked out you wouldn't be in trouble with your friend now..." I apologized. He just stared at me as if I said the dumbest thing a human being could say. As if something only Robin could say left my mouth.

"This dude is definitely not my friend anymore!" He yelled and pulled me closer. I smiled slightly and before I could do anything my lips were placed on his cheek.


Words: 1066

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