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Hey guys!

So I forgot to include this author's note with Chapter 1 even though I meant to. But this is kinda important for where the story is going so I decided to come back and add it before posting anymore chapters (sorry to disappoint those of you who thought this was going to be chapter two).

This story is more similar to Indigo Skies in the way that the main character starts off non Christian. It is also similar because of the harder topics it includes.

For those of you who came here from Silver Clouds, you kind of know what's going on with Kason and his sister as they go through this. But in this book, it is going to go a lot more in depth with what happened than in Silver Clouds...

So, here are a few trigger warnings just in case I have any sensitive readers:

Anerexia, mental health issues, suicidal thoughts, abuse, and having a baby without being married (if you get my drift).

Though these are topics in this book, some won't be mentioned all that often. Despite Kason's sister's baby being a main character, I will not include any scenes about, you know, how that happened. It will eventually be explained, but not explicitly shown if that makes sense. I want to keep this book clean even with mentions of these things, so there will never be any mature scenes.

I hope this doesn't scare some of you away. I just wanted to put it out there for people who might be sensitive or struggling with similar things. If you are struggling with one of these things, or even something else, I am always happy to listen if you need an ear or to pray for you.

Thanks for clicking on Golden Rain!! I really appreciate it <3

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