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I took a deep breath, staring out the windshield at the large campus before me. I was physically prepared—I had started making up some of my missed work online, bought a strap-on baby carrier so I could carry Abigail around easier, and had Kaybree on speed dial, even asking Miranda if she could call her periodically just in case—but, mentally, I wasn't sure if I could do this.

When I had texted Rico telling him that I was coming back, I got an expected response in very excited all caps. Since we had planned a few of our classes together, you know, the classes that somehow overlapped between Microbiology and Social Media Marketing, we shared a class starting at eight forty-five. Approximately ten minutes from now.

But yet, here I sat, definitely not getting out of the car and making my way inside.

My phone buzzed on the dashboard. I knew it was probably Rico asking where I was parked so he could come pound on my window and demand I come inside, but I picked it up anyway.

I was pleasantly surprised to see Sav's name attached to the notification.

First day back, right?

I sighed, typing out, Yep.

Her reply was immediate. Good luck. Hope your lecture listening ears aren't too rusty ;)

Ha, yeah, me too. I sent that and then decided to add in a separate message, I keep staring at the building but not actually going inside...

Yeah, Rico's weirdness is pretty scary sometimes.

Though that is true, that was not why I was dreading going in.

Scared that your cute new arm candy is going to overwhelm you with college cheerleaders?

I snorted. Okay, maybe having Abigail with me is going to take a little while to get used to, but I meant having to try to focus on taking notes and doing such mundane things when I could be at home, helping Kaybree get better.

The bubbles danced a moment before her reply came in. Kaybree was getting better without you when you were on the trip with me. What's stopping her from getting better without you now?

She had a point, but it still felt strange. I didn't want Kaybree to have to depend on me forever, but it was still hard trying to stop worrying about her twenty-four, seven.

True, I said. But then I thought of something and changed the subject. Hey, can I hold you to our lunch plans today?

Oh, yeah, sure. When do you have a break in classes?

I finish my last class at twelve on Wednesdays.

Perfect. I finish mine at eleven forty five. Want me to come there and we can take your car to wherever?

I imagined her sending this with a teasing smirk, which she probably did, as I replied, Sounds good to me. I'll be coming out of the West Hall next to the baseball field house.

She answered with a thumbs up and that was the end of our conversation until lunch.

Glancing at the clock, I had five minutes remaining. It would take at least that to unbuckle Abigail, get her in the strap on carrier, and then walk inside.

I sighed. I guess I was really doing this.

I pushed open the driver's side door and started to get Abigail ready, all the while preparing myself for what was to come.


"And you have officially survived your first day back in thirty years, my friend," Rico said dramatically as we filed out of the lecture hall of my last class of the day. Rico had another class but, fortunately, I was done for today.

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