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I laid in bed for a few extra moments Saturday morning before getting up to calm Abigail down. Going back to school had taken a toll on both of us and she was no longer sleeping as easily at night like she had when we were at the White's. I understood. Adding school work back into my life along with her extra screaming at night was leaving me with bigger bags under my eyes than if I'd been punched in the face. And speaking of punching, I'd also been working extra hard on avoiding Nick and Mora. So far, my only encounter had been that one time on Wednesday so I guess I was doing something right.

After Abigail had finally stopped crying and was changed and fed, I ran my hand through my hair, threw on a random shirt I found in my dresser, and snatched up my glasses before heading down a floor to Kaybree's apartment.

I quietly entered just in case she was still asleep. I hadn't bothered with Abigail's big carrier—just used the strap-on one I was slowly getting accustomed to—so it was easier to slip in without accidentally bumping the bulky plastic arm piece against something. Tiptoeing to Kaybree's cracked bedroom door, I found her cozied up in her comforter, still sleeping soundly.

I plopped down on the couch and pulled up my Doordash app, ordering us pastries and coffee from Panera. The ETA was half an hour so I hoped Kaybree wouldn't wake up anytime soon. I was hoping to surprise her since I'd been so busy recently and hadn't spent as much time with her. Though the time I had spent with her, she'd still seemed to be getting better. It was crazy how many wonders the trip to Sav's had done for both Kaybree and me.

With nothing else to do, I extracted Abigail from the carrier and then laid out on Kaybree's couch, resting her on my chest to get her tummy-time in for the day. She wiggled and squirmed and I couldn't help but chuckle at her. She'd become so active recently which I hoped meant her tiny muscles were gaining some strength.

"Where are you trying to squirm off to, flower?" I asked her when she nearly fell off my chest from moving so much. I readjusted her, which only made her kick more and babble. She didn't really use her voice much, preferred to use her spit to make noise, but when she did "talk", it took her a while to stop.

"Hush," I told her. "You'll wake Kaybree. Or..." I stared at her and then whispered, "Mommy."

She paused in her baby-talk to watch me. And then she popped a bubble in my face and continued in her gibberish.

She was too cute for her own good.

As I tried to continue to quiet her, really wishing I'd brought her pacifier, my phone buzzed from within my sweatpants' pocket. I unlocked it and then read the notification, smiling when I read the name attached.

Ft? Sav asked.

Instead of responding, I just FaceTimed her right away. She picked up on the second ring.

"I thought you might be up already" was her first words as her face popped up on the screen. I found it ironic that she was also laying down, though she was still in bed. My eyes slowly moved up to her frizzy bedhead and I couldn't help but smirk slightly. Somehow, she still looked adorable with the Ms. Frizz hair-do.

I suppressed a sigh. I didn't even try to take back the thought at this point. Flattering thoughts about Sav were far too abundant these days and I was really trying to figure out why.

"Yep, but I didn't expect you to be up," I told her.

Sav went to reply, but Abigail beat her to it, letting out a string of baby-ese. I tilted the screen down to show her wiggly figure.

Sav laughed sweetly. "Well, good morning to you too, babe."

I extended my arm and held it high enough to where Sav could see both of us. "She's getting her exercise and singing practice in for the day all at the same time."

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