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When Natasha had found out that Logan made me go through The Gauntlet with just pants, she turned into full on Mom mode, chastising him and making sure I was completely comfortable before leaving me alone. She had given me three blankets, a pair of thick fuzzy socks, a cup of steaming hot coffee, and made me curl up on the corner of the sectional to rest. I was finally understanding what Sav meant when she said her mom tried to be everyone's mother.

And that included Abby. When I had come in, Natasha had rocked her to sleep and bundled her up in a blanket of her own. And once I had reassured her I was completely comfortable, she had finally relinquished Abigail into my arms as she napped.

Sav flopped down next to me on the couch and tucked her similarly fuzzy-socked feet underneath her. "So you survived my mother's overwhelmingness?"

I smiled teasingly. "Barely."

She snorted and pulled her legs up to her chest, resting her chin on her knees. She seemed to think for a moment before snapping her fingers and staring at me. "So we have this tradition we do every New Year's Eve."


She nodded. "Yeah. Basically we read some scriptures as a family and then do our New Year's resolutions and say what we were thankful for in the past year. Would you want to do it with us?"

I thought about it for a second, looking down at Abigail. It seemed fun. "Sure. Your family wouldn't mind me being a part of it, right?"

The corner of Sav's lip turned up. "Of course not. They love you."


"Yeah," she replied, her smile growing. "My brothers might be teasing but I can tell they really do respect you, especially now that you've made it through The Gauntlet."

I rolled my eyes with a slight breathy laugh. "It's funny how that is so important to them."

"Yeah, well, they're boys. All they care about are sports, food, and girls."

I raised a singular eyebrow. "So that is how all guys are classified?"

She realized her mistake and rolled her head to the side. "Not you, I guess. You're pretty level headed."

"Mhm, that's what I thought."

"Shut up." She shoved me in the shoulder and I laughed but then quickly quieted when Abigail stirred. I clamped my mouth shut and held still until she settled back into my arms again.

I let out a slow, relieved breath.

"Sorry," Sav muttered.

I shook my head. "It's okay. She'll probably wake up soon anyway. She likes short naps and long, long hours of staying up at night crying."

Sav looked as if she was holding back an amused grin. She opened her mouth to say something when Andy entered the living room.

"Mom's getting everyone together so we can read."

Sav straightened her legs out, getting more comfortable. "Perfect."

Ten minutes later, everyone was gathered in the living room, Deavon having arrived. I wondered where Shiloh was, but Andy soon answered the question, explaining that she was spending New Year's Eve with her family and would join our festivities tomorrow.

I decided to lay Abigail in her travel crib and place it in the office so it was close enough if she woke up and needed me. I joined everyone who had settled down in the living room and Natasha took the lead. "Alright, so who wants to be the one to read the passage?"

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