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Today, Kaybree would get to go home.

I was more excited than nervous, but that still didn't mean I wasn't internally freaking out. The fact that I was still running off of very little sleep didn't help either.

And I was still a little apprehensive too. Even though, physically, she was doing a bit better—she just needed to take it easy for a while— mentally, I knew she wasn't as good as she could have been. But she was somewhat back to normal since Abigail's birth and I guess that was good enough for the doctors to let her go home.

And that was another thing; despite being in the less-than-par state she was in, she insisted on going back to her apartment, not mine.

"I just... need a little space," she murmured, seeming tired.

"Bree, I think it would be best if you stayed close." I didn't want to baby her, but I wasn't going to risk her life just because she didn't want to socialize.

"I will be close," she insisted. "I'm in your same apartment building. You can check on me anytime you want. I just..." She looked like she was about to tear up so she closed her eyes, whispering, "I'm so overwhelmed. I need space. Please."

I sighed. It was hard for me to say no to her when she looked so desperate and broken.

"Fine," I eventually agreed. "But I'm going to check on you every hour, on the nose, and eat every meal with you. And before you protest," I added as she opened her mouth to argue, "you are eating at least two full meals a day. And not just because I say so. Doctor's orders."

She swallowed, seeming to deflate as she nodded slowly. Though she wouldn't like it, I would somehow get her to eat. I hadn't done a good enough job of that before and I wasn't going to make the same mistake twice.

Before I could bring anything else up, the door to her room opened. Miranda popped her head in, looking apologetic. "Sorry to interrupt, but your parents just arrived and really would like to see you, Kaybree."

Kaybree seemed to freeze, her eyes turning glassy as she looked up at me. "Don't leave. Please."

I laced my fingers with hers and nodded, allowing Miranda to call them in.

Kaybree's grip was strong as Miranda disappeared to fetch our parents. I glanced down at her, noticing how pale she suddenly looked. "Hey, you talked to them yesterday. You can do it again. They really have been worried about you, Bree."

She looked down at her lap and used her free hand to twiddle with the tag on her bedsheet. "I know..." I expected her to say more, but nothing else came.

A few moments later, Miranda reemerged, our parents hot on her tail. They burst in, immediately surrounding Kaybree's bed. I felt her hand close even tighter around mine.

"Hey, baby," Mom cooed, reaching out and patting Kaybree's knee. "How are you feeling?"

Kaybree nodded slightly. "Okay."

I could tell that wasn't the honest answer but my parents took it in stride. "You look a little better than yesterday," my dad commented.

Mom nodded her agreement while Kaybree stayed silent.

An awkward quietness followed, one that my mom tried to expel by saying, "Are you ready to go home today?"

Kaybree seemed to sink a little. "Yeah..."

"Great. We got everything ready back at the house for you," Dad said with a fatherly smile.

Bree's pleading eyes turned to look up at me and I knew what she wanted me to say. I sighed. "Dad, I think she should go back to her own apartment."

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