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A/N So I know that I've been giving a lot of warnings recently but... uh.. Yeah, I just want to prepare you before you get slapped in the face with it heh XD Uhm, also the end of this chapter has a little more reference to what happened to Kaybree. No description or anything (ofc) but just... yeah. Just wanted to let you know :)

I was an idiot. This fact was proven as I replayed Saturday's events a thousand times through my head over the next few days. Rico, Miranda, and Mora all texted and called. The only one I answered was Miranda. She was the only one I could handle right now. Though it was still hard. She was kind enough to not mention what happened, but it was obvious that Sav told her. I eventually ended up ignoring her texts too.

I knew it probably wasn't helping the situation to be ignoring everyone. But I just felt so exhausted that the thought of having to put on a brave face or talk about why I couldn't put on a brave face seemed impossible.

But I still got up, went to school, barely made it through my classes. Not that I wanted to be there or risk seeing Mora, but I knew that it was probably better than rolling in self pity at home. Plus, I was learning that Abigail loved being outside and going for walks. She always bounced a little more outside, even if it was freezing.

She and Kaybree, it seemed, were the remaining joys in my life. Kaybree had decided to pay back the favor I'd given her and was trying her hardest to help me through this. Some of the old Kaybree I knew, the Kaybree that somehow always made me smile, was back and that did help a little. Seeing her trying to smile more and be optimistic helped me not be so tense.

But it was still hard. I'd catch myself about to FaceTime Sav, only to remember that that wasn't something I could do anymore. It made all the air rush from my lungs, like when I fell off the monkeybars square on my back as a kid.

I wanted to text her and ask how her dad was doing, just to show that I was at least thinking about her. Because I was. A lot. But I was too chicken. As usual. I was afraid that if I called or texted, it would either be extremely awkward or just make things more unrepairable. I'd probably try to explain myself again and it would set off a whole chain reaction that would make her goodbye permanent.

So I didn't call her. I didn't text her. I spent my days trying as hard as I could to catch up in school, spending time with Kaybree, and making sure Abigail's breathing stayed steady.

That last one was growing difficult. She was still having problems at night and sometimes even when she was awake. I called and scheduled an appointment with her doctor, but apparently he was in high demand because the earliest I could get in was in two weeks. He told me that, in the meantime, I should try to stay awake when she slept and if anything concerning happened, take her to the Emergency Room.

I was hoping that that last suggestion wouldn't be necessary.

Friday morning, I woke up with a nasty cough. Though I could have handled it, I didn't really feel like going to school and coughing every two minutes during a lecture. So I stayed home and did as much as I could online.

At lunch, I slipped into Kaybree's apartment, Abigail in my arms. "Bree, I'm here," I called, my voice sounding like nails on a chalkboard.

She emerged from her room. "Woah, are you okay?"

"I'm fine... Just not feeling great."

She pursed her lips. "I think I have some tea. Do you want me to make you some?"

I swiped the suggestion away. "I'll be okay." I didn't want to have to bother her with my stuff as she worked on getting better herself. "Did you sleep well last night?"

"Yeah, actually," she replied as she shuffled to her kitchen. I eyed her as she pulled a tea bag down from the cabinet.


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