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Soft sun flitted in through the window to my right and danced across my vision as I awoke. I squeezed my eyes shut, trying to block out the blinding light so that I wouldn't wake up but it was too late.

I groaned and opened my eyes, blinking a few times before they adjusted. I froze upon seeing my surroundings and it took me a second to realize that I was still at Sav's parents' house in the country. And that I was still in the attic loft.

Throwing my feet over the side of the window seat, I rubbed at a knot in my back from sleeping in such a weird position. Despite it, I may have been the most well rested I'd been in weeks. I pulled my phone from my pocket and glanced at the time. It was nearly ten in the morning. How Abby hadn't woken me up sooner was-

I snapped my gaze over to Abigail's travel crib, but it was empty. She was gone. But how? She couldn't even hold her head up yet, let alone climb out of her crib and crawl away.

My brain hazy with panic, I sprinted down the stairs to the first floor of the house. I had no clue where she could have gone or even where I would look for her. All I knew was that she had disappeared and that I had to find her.

Tripping toward the kitchen where I heard rustlings of footsteps, I hoped that maybe whoever was in the kitchen would know where in the world Abigail had-

"Morning," Sav said without even glancing at me from where she sat at the dining room table, Abby propped up in her arms. I stilled as I took in the scene, with Sav causally feeding Abigail while Natasha cooked something in the adjoining kitchen.

"You, uh... I-" My sentence broke as I had no clue where I was taking it. But I was able to relax. Abigail was perfectly safe.

Sav looked up at me with raised eyebrows, taking in my frazzled and dysfunctional state. "What? Did you think someone baby-napped her?"

I ran a hand through my hair and tried to look casual. "I don't know. I was still half asleep."

"Was?" she teased.

I cleared my throat and straightened my wrinkled and twisted shirt, glancing at Natasha before I went and sat down next to Sav at the table. I gently ran a hand over Abigail's bald head in good morning. She turned her big blue eyes toward me and while I wasn't sure she could see me, I did notice something else. "Is she holding her own head up right now or are you doing it?"

Sav shrugged. "She's pushed her head up off of my arm for a few seconds a couple of times. Has she not done that before?"

I smiled and shook my head. "No." Looking at Abby, I met her sweet eyes that peered up at me. "Look at you go, flower. Look how strong you are." I planted a kiss on her cheek.

Sav watched me, but didn't comment.

"I'm surprised she didn't wake me up when she woke up. I've become an abnormally light sleeper recently," I commented casually.

Sav looked down at her and wiped at a spit bubble that she'd blown with her burp up rag. "She started to whine a little bit and I was already awake. So I thought I'd let you get some much needed rest and feed her myself."

"Well, thank you. I could have taken care of it, but I appreciate you thinking of me."

"It was no big deal. Plus, maybe I wanted some girl time with my new BFF," she joked, tapping her finger on Abigail's nose.

I snorted. "I thought I was your best friend."

Sav met my eyes and an understanding and gratefulness shined in her gaze. But then she smirked and said, "Sorry, but a few minutes with her and she's passed you up easily."

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