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This couldn't be happening.

"Kason?" Kaybree asked quietly. "Kason, is everything okay?"

I stared at my phone, frozen in place. No. This was all supposed to stop. Be over. Why couldn't she leave it alone?

"Kasi, you're scaring me..."

I released a sigh and forced a very fake smile to my lips. "Sorry. I'm fine, just... got a strange message."

She cocked her head. "From who?"

Mora. "Nobody important."

Slowly, she nodded though I recognized something in her eyes. Hurt, maybe? I guess I used to tell her everything so it would make sense. But some things were just better left unsaid. Unacknowledged. Left in the past. She, of all people, had to understand that.

"Hey, is it okay if I leave after lunch?" I said, changing the subject. We'd been spending the last few hours here at her place, watching a movie, talking, and spending time together like we used to. It was nice. You know, until Mora had to interrupt it.

"Do you have plans?"

I hesitated. "No. Nothing concrete. Do you need me to stay?"

"No. No, it's fine." Her face brightened. "Maybe I can invite Miranda over, if she isn't working."

Her excitement made me less guilty for bailing on her. "You want me to text her?"

"No, I've got her number." She held up her phone. "But thanks. Go spend time with Sav."

I furrowed my brow. "How did you-"

"I'm your sister, Kason," she replied with a smirk. "I might sometimes mentally check out but I'm not blind enough not to notice how often you two hang out."

Narrowing my eyes at her, I chuckled slightly. "You're getting your annoyingly perceptive little sister mojo back and I can't tell if I like it or not."

She flipped her hair teasingly. "Get used to it again."

I nudged her, shaking my head with an amused yet proud grin.


I stepped out of the cold and into the lounge area of Sav's dorm hall, Abigail back in her hefty carrier since she'd needed it on the car ride here. I looked around and set Abby down for a moment to rest my arm. Sav had gotten clearance for me and the school had sent me a text with the code to get into the building. She'd told me which room she was in earlier so I didn't bother letting her know I was here. I just decided to head up.

Her dorm was on the third floor, and when she'd told me about it, she said it was one of the more spacious ones and she didn't even have to share it with a roommate. She was lucky. When I'd stayed in a dorm as a freshman, since it was mandatory for a year at my university, I'd gotten one of the smallest rooms that I had to share with a guy who rarely ever used personal hygiene products and loved to leave dirty clothes and trash all over my stuff. The instant I became a sophomore, I'd found an apartment all to myself.

The elevator opened up to two halls, one spanning straight and the other curving around to the left. As instructed in her text, I walked down the left hall and found the second to last door on the left. Lots of lefts. With a breath to steel myself, I knocked.

After a moment, the door stuttered open. "Kason, hey," she said from inside, her smile lazy but tinted with surprise. "I didn't realize you were already here."

"Um, yeah. Sorry. Did you want me to text you?"

"No, it's fine." She let go of the door and let it stand open as she brought a towel to her damp hair. "I kinda just got back from the showers so sorry for the disheveled hair but whatever. Come in."

Golden Rain [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now