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Hey. We tried to come visit but the doctors wouldn't let any non-family members on the fifth floor this late.

That's okay, I typed out to Ella, who, as of eleven hours ago, was now my step cousin since her mom married my uncle. How was the rest of the wedding?


I raised my brows. How so?

Don't worry about it :) I wondered what that meant, but I was too tired to push it. It was nearly three in the morning. How's Kaybree doing so far? she asked a moment later.

I'm not sure. The doctors still haven't given us any news yet and won't let us go see her. I'm starting to think that they just like seeing us suffer.

She sent a sad emoji before adding, I'm sure everything is going fine. Labor takes a while and I still have faith.

I hesitated before replying, Thanks.

Though Ella and I didn't know each other super well yet, we had hit it off fairly well. But something I had noticed from the get-go was how important Christianity was to her. I had been surprised since her mom had never mentioned anything religious before, but it also interested me. I could see a difference in her. A good difference. And it didn't hurt that if there really was a God up there, somewhere, that prayers were being sent to him for Kaybree.

I'm going to get some sleep, Ella said. You should, too.

I didn't know how to tell her that that would be impossible so I sent back, I'll try. For you.

She sent a laughing emoji. Gn.


I turned off my phone and set it next to my long empty foam coffee cup.

I let out an inaudible sigh just as my dad breathed a squeaky snore. I looked over at both of my parents and wondered how they were sleeping. One, because Kaybree was still in labor, and two, because these hospital chairs were extremely uncomfortable.

I stood, needing to move despite how exhausted I was. I was too nervous and shaken to not move around.

As I paced the hall, I closed my eyes and tried to imagine what this would be like if it was under different circumstances, if Kaybree had been ready for this. I wondered if I would still be this nervous. I wasn't sure. I had always been her protective older brother, so I probably would still be concerned. But most likely not this much. For one thing, if everything had been how it should have been, she wouldn't be going into labor prematurely. If everything was how it should have been, she would have a husband in that room, holding her hand as she went through this.

But no. Dilan wasn't here. He wasn't even her husband.

I was so close to bashing his brains in when Kaybree ran to me that night, sobbing and with a giant cut across her eyebrow that had barely missed her eye. I had been too concerned with helping my sister that by the time I tried to find Dilan so that I could show him that he had messed with the wrong person, he had disappeared.

If I ever saw him again, I would probably kill him. And Kaybree didn't need that right now so it was best for everyone that he was gone.

I paced for nearly an hour. I was sure I probably left a divet in the floor. But I stopped when a nurse came from behind the doors at the end of the hall.

She was looking down at a paper and slowly looked up to me staring at her. Her deep brown eyes moved from me to my sleeping parents and then back to me. I held my breath as she walked over.

Golden Rain [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now