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A/N: Hello my innocent, kind, wonderful, slediforous readers... So... I just want to say... *sigh* I am thoroughly prepared for you guys to kill me after this chapter so I may or may not drop this update and then just *run away*... So... yeah... You've been warned *nervous laughter*

It was Saturday again and Abigail was officially two months old; yesterday had marked exactly sixty days since she'd been born. I couldn't believe it had been two months already. So much had happened in that amount of time yet it had felt like a few split seconds to me.

Sav had insisted that we throw Abby a mini party and she'd been so determined to celebrate that I hadn't been able to stop her from picking up a small cake from the store and making her way over. She was headed here now.

I was excited to spend time with her, as I always was. Yet I was pacing my apartment. Because I'd been thinking long and hard and I'd realized I was being a complete chicken. There had been so many great opportunities to tell her how I felt, but I hadn't taken them. I was such a coward. But no more. I couldn't just sit back and tell Rico he needed to pursue the girl he liked while I idly sat by. Surely Andy would understand, right? It wasn't like I was taking advantage of Sav. If she didn't have feelings for me, I was planning on backing off and just staying friends. I could do that for her. I respected her. But if she did feel the same way, surely Andy could forgive me. I was making his sister happy so surely he couldn't stay mad at me... right?

Abigail bounced in the chest carrier as I paced around the room, babbling. It was like she sensed that soon we would be celebrating her and she was antsy for the attention. It made me smile slightly, but it wasn't enough to stop the swarm of butterflies rampaging in my stomach. Mutant butterflies with claws that ripped at the lining of my organs.

I shivered at the disgusting image that that thought gave.

With a breath, I grabbed an energy drink from my fridge. I really didn't need anymore energy, but it was the first drink I saw and I needed something to distract my hands and mouth and... well, my everything.

I was thoroughly zoned out of reality, lost in my rampaging thoughts, when a knock came from the door. Freezing, I licked my lips. That was her.

Deciding to temporarily put Abigail in her crib just while we set things up, I went to my room and back in a flash. With a deep breath and a straightening of my spine, I approached the door to open it. When I reached out to the handle, I realized my hands were shaking. That was new. It was fine. I would just shove my hands in my pockets and she'd have no idea. Or maybe she would. She was perceptive like that.

I realized I still hadn't opened the door for her yet and so I yanked it open.

"Hey, I-" But I stopped because Sav wasn't the one standing on the other side of the door. It was Mora.

"Uh..." she started, shifting from foot to foot nervously. "Hi."

"What are you doing here?"

She sighed. "I need to talk to you."

I crossed my arms over my chest. "You already did."

"I know. And I know that you said I needed to move on... But, Kason, I tried. Really hard. But I just can't. So I'm here, begging. And I'm going to keep begging. I can't let you go."

I rubbed a hand down my face. "Mora, please. I can't do this right now."

"If not right now, it's going to be later. I'm already here. So let's do this right now."

"You don't understand. Sav is on her way here."

Mora stood taller. "I don't care. We need to talk."

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