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A/N Hehe yep another warning tho... this one is a little different *grinning like a maniac* You'll see what I mean *wink*

After my four hour nap yesterday, I wasn't able to get any more sleep. I stayed up all night and all day. It was just like before, when I couldn't physically rest. But at least I was able to eat this time. That was one less torture I was putting myself through.

Kaybree was still plagued with worry, but Miranda and I were able to get a little bit of food and water in her, mostly breaking the numbness she'd been stuck in. We even convinced her to go on walks with us around the hospital every couple hours. We'd switch off walking around with her, talking to her and trying to get her mind off things. Miranda was better at it than I was. It was hard to come up with things to say when we were both struggling through this. Waiting. Wondering. Worrying...

Rico was actually a big help. I knew he was missing a lot of classes to be here, but I was glad he was. Guilt even twinged at my heart when I realized how much time we hadn't spent together since Sav had come around. Having the extra time to just hang out with him almost felt nostalgic. I promised myself I wouldn't brush him off so much anymore.

As the day faded into evening, the sun setting quickly and basking the waiting room in a warm glow, everyone started shifting. My parents, who had tried to come as often as they could, left to grab some food and go home. Though reluctantly, Rico asked to go back to his apartment to shower and grab a few things, which I urged him earnestly to do. After all, we didn't want him stinking as bad as I did the first time all of this happened.

And, of course, Miranda stayed. Because she was Miranda.

As she and Kaybree quietly talked, her phone chimed, drawing my attention. I watched as she pulled it out of her purse and read a notification on the screen. Her eyes flicked up to me and she threw on a smile. I raised my brows curiously but then dropped them upon realizing that was a Sav move.

"I think it's time for another walk," Miranda told both Kaybree and me.

Kaybree was in a fairly good mood—at least as good of a mood in this situation—and so she stood.

I rose as well, my legs stiff from sitting for so long. I started to lead Kaybree out of the waiting room and into the hall but Miranda grabbed my arm. "Oh, no, Kason. I can go."

"But you went last time."

"I know." She shot me a sweet smile. "But I can go again. I don't mind."

"It's really no problem. I probably need to move anyway."

But she was insistent. "I have a few girl things I want to talk to Kaybree about. Would you let me?"

I had a feeling that there was some other reason she wanted to go, but I couldn't identify it. But, of course, if she wanted to, I wasn't going to stop her. "Okay." I smiled at my sister. "Have fun."

She sent me a small, closed lip smile and nodded. Miranda gave me a grateful glance, mouthing "thank you" before they headed out into the hall, arm and arm, to go for their walk. I could hear Miranda suggesting they grab dinner from the cafeteria as they turned the corner.

Sitting back down, I let out a slow breath. The waiting room was now completely empty except for me. The light leaking in through the windows was slowly dimming as the sun hid behind the skyscrapers outside, and I knew it would soon be completely dark out. It brought me back to all those nights and all those fears from before. All the fears now.

For a moment, I laid my head back against the wall, letting my eyes flutter closed. All the terror, all the worry, all the anxiety flooded my veins, like an invisible dam that'd been holding the blunt of those feelings back had been broken. It was like with people around, it was a bit easier to ignore them. With Miranda's easy smile, Rico's quick jokes, and my sister's need for someone to be strong, the feelings were easier to hide away. Easier to pretend they weren't as debilitating as they were.

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