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A/N ... *clears throat* ... Well, uhm... All I'm going to say is that I'm going to post and dash on this chapter for the sake of my life.... I'll resurface when all the guns have been put away...

My mind felt like a raging hurricane as I drove back to my apartment building. Nothing was making sense. My thoughts jumbled over each other, racing faster and faster until none of them were comprehendible.

Had Kaybree really lied to me?

Was Dilan right?

Why would she lie?

Was he just trying to pull another horrible stunt?

Would this change things?

That last one stuck to the edges of my brain and made a headache develop around my eyes. I didn't want the forward progress that Kaybree had been making to stop. But I had to know if she'd really been lying to me this whole time. And if she had...

My hands may have been trembling as I turned the wheel to navigate into a parking space outside my apartment building.

Ramming the gear shift up into park, I climbed out of my car and made a beeline toward the door, then the elevator. I made it up to Kaybree's floor and was down the hallway and opening her door faster than I realized I could go.

Both Miranda and Kaybree glanced up from where they were sitting together on the couch at my abrupt entry. "Oh, you're back already," Kaybree mused, a smile lingering on her lips from their previous conversation. But her face fell troubled upon seeing my tense posture and furrowed brows. "Kason, what's wrong?"

I had to pry my jaw open to be able to speak. "I ran into someone again."

Slowly, she stood, passing off Abigail to Miranda who watched me carefully. Tentatively, Kaybree approached. "Who?" she asked, though her eyes seemed to show that she suspected exactly who I was referring to.

"Dilan," I spat.

She swallowed, her breath hitching. "Dil... Again?" She looked down and absentmindedly ran a finger over a scar that faintly traced her arm. Her eyes started to cloud as she tried to take deep breaths.

Her reaction dulled my anger slightly. But not enough that I didn't say, "He told me something."

Her blue eyes snapped up to mine and she randomly hiccuped. "He... told you... What?"

"I don't want to believe him," I muttered in a low, gravely voice. I had to cough before I could speak again, but it was still in a dangerously low tone. "Make me not believe him, Kaybree. Tell me it's not true."

She shook her head, her chin quivering. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Don't you?"

She took a step back as her eyes started to fill with tears. Miranda slowly stood up and walked over, keeping Abby at a distance but close enough that Miranda might be able to help my distressed sister.

"Kasi, I-" Her voice turned squeaky with emotion so she restarted. "Kason, you're not making any sense."

But her eyes told a different story. They were full of regret and anguish and... pain. "You're lying to me."


"You've been lying to me."

"Please, Kason, just-"

"You've been lying to me!"

A sobbed shook her body as she started to cave in on herself. Miranda stepped forward, giving me a warning glance. "Kason, calm down. Let's not lose our heads."

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