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The next couple of weeks were exhausting as I tried to make a new schedule for my life. Though I had known I would probably be getting less sleep than I needed, I felt like a walking zombie. Abigail cried every night for at least an hour, even after I fed her. During the day, I always slept when she napped. Well, tried to. It was hard when I was worrying about her breathing and about Kaybree.

Despite being busy taking care of Abby and Kaybree, Rico decided to start spamming me with texts. He wouldn't stop asking when I was coming back to classes. And while I knew I needed to if I wanted to keep on schedule to graduating at the end of next semester, I just wasn't sure if it was the best idea. I was still wary about taking Abby out in public since she was still so small and every time I had a doctor's appointment for her, they warned that her immune system was still working to get on top. Plus, while Kaybree seemed steady, I knew that at any moment that could change. I remembered so many times when she swore to me she was having a good day and then when I got home from classes, she would be sobbing behind her locked closet door.

I groaned, trying and failing to wake myself up as Abby cried from the other side of the room. I rubbed my eyes as I sat up, and then stumbled out of bed, half of my comforter falling on the floor as it trailed after me.

"Shh, shh, shh," I slurred as I made it to her crib and reached in to pick her up. "It's okay."

Though she still cried, she quit screaming as I rested her against my chest. I knew I would need to make a bottle for her in order for her to completely calm down.

So I trekked to the kitchen and started the process, slow as it was since I had only one hand.

A few minutes later, I flopped down on my sofa in the living room, my phone and a warm bottle in one hand and Abby supported with my other, a burp rag on my shoulder. I gently cradled her with my arm and then put the bottle in her mouth.

She cried for a moment longer before she started to drink and calmed down.

I sighed, forcing my heavy eyes to stay open. I glanced at my phone which I had thrown on the couch cushion next to me.

As if my glance was magic, it lit up with a notification.

Dude, are you awake? It was Rico.

I adjusted to where I was tilting up the bottle with the same hand I was holding Abby with, a trick I had learned within the past couple weeks, and unlocked my phone to respond. When am I not?

Because Rico could stay up all hours of the night and wake up in the morning as hyper as a four year old who drank three shots of espresso, he answered back immediately. I have an idea.


Aw, c'mon. Hear me out.

I sighed. Fine. What?

Ok, so Tuesday is the last day of classes before we're off for Christmas, right?


The bubbles danced for a moment before he said, So what if you come to class just on Tuesday? It'll just be one day and then you can hit the ground running when break ends. Thoughts?

Abigail snorted and I looked down at her to make sure she was still breathing okay as she drank. Everything seemed fine so I turned back to my phone. Why do you even want me there that bad? It's not like I'm your only friend. Besides, just because Abigail is here doesn't mean you can't still come over. He'd been over a few times, but only for a bit before he had to leave again.

It took him a second to respond to that one. Come on, man.

I shook my head. It's not just Abby. It's Kaybree too. There's just too much I have to do.

Golden Rain [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now