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I thought about it. A lot.

I thought about it so much that when my dad texted saying that we were having Christmas Eve dinner at Preston's penthouse and that Ella was flying in from Colorado, I had to read it three times to realize what he was saying.

But when it processed, I was ecstatic.

Though it had only been about a month since I had seen Ella, it felt like an eternity. So much was different now, with Abigail and Sav and everything. But Ella would make it all better. That was just what she did somehow.

I showed up a few minutes early for dinner, hoping to maybe be able to catch Ella before everyone else. And, sure enough, I did.

When Preston let me in, I found Ella and her mom sitting in the living room talking, her mother sipping champagne while Ella drank what looked like apple cider.

"Ella!" I called, an automatic smile lighting up my face just at seeing her.

She perked up and looked over her shoulder. "Kason!" Running out from around the couch, she instantly rammed into me with a hug. I wrapped my free hand around her waist.

"It's been so long!" she exclaimed as she pulled away, her blue eyes sparkling and looking a little green from her festive sweater.

"I know! I'm sorry I haven't been texting very much recently. I've been so busy with everything."

She gasped, glancing down at the baby carrier in my hand. "Did you bring Abby?"

I smiled, hoisting her up. "Of course. I wouldn't leave her at home."

She looked in. "Aw, hi, baby," she said gently before laughing. "I love the onesie."

I chuckled. I knew that picking the one with the gingerbread man that said "official cookie tester" was the best choice, even though she couldn't eat cookies yet. But I had a feeling she would end up with Kaybree's sweet tooth.

Ella gently rubbed a finger down Abby's cheek, her iconic sweet smile lighting up her face. Abby blew a bubble from her lips, making the gurgling sound she loved to make. Ella beamed and let out a few chuckles at that.

"Do you think I could hold her?" she asked.

Panic serged through my chest. But this was Ella. I could trust her. "Sure." I set the carrier down on one of the large, specially designed end tables of the living room and gently started to unstrap her.

"Has she smiled yet?" Ella asked curiously.

I snorted. "Does when she passes gas count?"

"Uh, I don't think so," she breathed around her chuckle.

I picked Abigail up out of the carrier and she wiggled a little as I adjusted her beanie's little white fluffy ball on top. "Then no. I've read online that it takes a couple of months."

"Then she's halfway there."

I nodded, realizing that she was kind of right. "Yeah." It would be strange seeing her grow up so fast. I was only a month into taking care of her and I was already starting to get a bit overwhelmed at how fast all the changes were coming. How fast I would need to adjust.

Carefully, I let Ella take her from me. Ella easily figured out how to hold her properly and she smiled down at her. "Ah, she's absolutely beautiful. Her eyes are stunning."

I felt the corner of my mouth lift. "Yeah, she got her eyes from Kaybree."

Ella glanced up, her smile fading slightly. "What did her dad look like? Did she get any traits from him?"

Golden Rain [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now