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Hi my wonderful, beautiful, sweet sweet readers who I love with all my heart! <333 (Yeah, I know; laying it on thick but it is MUCH NECESSARY)

So... here we are. I'm honestly sitting here, feeling very nostalgic right now. I don't even remember when I started this journey of writing Golden Rain but I know it's been many many months now so sitting here.... I'm just feeling it all, y'know? >u<

So to start off this very long author's note (yes, prepare yourself for the massive length of my weirdness), I want to thank a whole bunch of people that made writing Golden Rain possible. I know that sounds very cliche and cheesy, but I have to include it or I would feel like a horrible human XD

First off, GOD! Like I know this is obvious since Golden Rain is a Christian-based story and because I am a Christian, but it has to be said, y'all. I feel like so many people pass by their moment of success (if you even want to call this moment success) and don't think about how they would not be doing this without God. For one, he put breath in my lungs, blood in my veins, and the ability to go day by day and write the things I write. Without him, I would not exist and therefore I couldn't produce what I produce as a creator. Two, he also specifically crafted me with this gift, this talent to construct worlds and characters and all of these things that I make. Without his blessing, I could never have done this. All the glory is to him!!

Second, I HAVE TO THANK YOU GUYS!!! This one also seems obvious but I can't go by and not thank you, all of my amazing and sweet and supportive readers who brighten my day every single time I see your comments, votes, and reads. I love you guys so so much and I know that you've inspired so much of my work and the passion to keep writing this. THIS WOULD NOT BE POSSIBLE WITHOUT YOU!!!

Third, I wanna thank the different people in my life that have encouraged me and directed me to this point: my parents (yeah, yeah, I know XD), my close friends (MY BSF WRITING BUDDYYYYYY), and the teachers who have pushed me toward my dreams and given me the tools to make it here. Though many of them will not read this, I have to include them because they were apart of this process!


NOW THAT ALL THAT BORING STUFF IS OUT OF THE WAY (haha jkjk XD), let's get to some more exciting news!!

Soooooo I've received many questions about my plans after Golden Rain. And up until about... oh, like ten chapters ago, I knew exactly where I was going: I was going to explore some of my other ideas and gently conclude the Beauty of God series but, of course, still continue writing one shots (because I could never give it up completely XD These are my babies after all!) But....

Things have changed.

*waits for you to stop freaking out* .... Are you good? Is it all out? *waits for the few remaining screams to subside* ... Alright XD So, yes, here is my explanation:

My original plans, as stated, were to go ahead and write some other ideas that I had. And I'm not saying that I'm not going to! Quite the opposite, I assure you! I still have an idea for a Christian short story and my dystopian novel I have been hinting at (more about these later). Buuuuuuuut, it seems as though my inspiration for the BoG series never runs out XD

That is why, with great flourish, I am happy to announce that I am going to be writing a 5th story to the series, a novella titled Violet Sunrise!

*lets you freak out* I KNOW I KNOW, I'M SORRY I MISDIRECTED YOU FOR A WHILE!! I just didn't realize this was going to be something put on my creative heart until recently.

Now, I'm not giving away too much information on Violet Sunrise quite yet because I'm still trying to sort it all out myself: the timeline, the plot, etc. Buuuut I will give you a small sneak peak! Would you like to guess who it will be about?

*fields guesses about Kaybree and Dilan* YES, I KNOW THAT IS A POPULAR DEMAND BUT NO, I'M SORRY! For right now, my plan to keep their story in my one shot book ..... Buuuuuut would Mirico make up for the fact that it's not about Kaylan (Dilbree?? ... hm, thoughts on a ship name??)


I hope you're not too terribly disappointed XD Haha! But thoughts on that? I would love to hear your feedback and if you'd read it. Would you???

Okay, so I'm going to abruptly shift to another topic (heh because I'm splendiferous like that). As previously mentioned, I want to give you some sneak peeks into some more upcoming stories not in the BoG series!!

First, MY SHORT STORY!! Isn't it weird that I'm writing a Christian-based short story NOT a part of BoG? It kinda is to me XD But here is some info: it is titled Seeing You and it is actually not a New Adult story but a Teen Fic like how BoG started. I kinda wanted to change a cliche we all know (and love XD) but keep the feel of it. So it is based on the Quiet Girl, Popular Boy ship cliche buuuut reversed! So it is the Quiet Boy, Popular Girl! I'm excited to write it because I've actually had this idea for quite awhile, but just was so preoccupied with other things that I hadn't gotten a chance to flesh it out and write it. But now I do and I can't wait to share it with you and see what you think!

As for a timeline for this story, it will definitely be the next thing I publish, before Violet Sunrise or my dystopian novel (I promise I'm getting to info about that one soon XD) but I'm not sure on exact times. I'm hoping to publish part one within the next month, but that is very tentative because of my busy schedule. Buuuut if you guys seem excited enough, I will try my hardest to get it out to you soon!

And now to the much-talked-about-but-never-clarified dystopian novel! XD Sooo this one has actually been a WIP for the past... month-ish? It was kinda the story I went to when I didn't feel like writing on Golden Rain. That being said, I'm only on chapter five and still have A LOT I need to plan and work on. Therefore, this one will be a while before I publish. Violet Sunrise (or at least part of it) will definitely be published before this one because this is definitely a much bigger project, probably one of the biggest projects I've tried to start and finish through completion.

As for some more sneak peaks, I will give you the title and no more XD haha

The title is........ *drumrolllllllll*

Imperia House! Yeah, I know this doesn't give much insight into the story since you probably have no idea what Imperia House means or is or anything, but I hope it satisfies your curiosity for now!

I will definitely be sharing more about ALL of these stories as I continue to work on them and share them with you. So don't fear, I won't leave you hanging forever XD

PHEW that was a long author's note (I warned you XD). If you read everything up until here, leave a fun emoji in the comments!! ----->

Thank you guys so so much for reading Golden Rain, putting up with my weirdness, and being the BEST READERS ANY AMATUER (or even professional) AUTHOR COULD HOPE FOR!!!

Love you to Pluto and back a thousand million times!!!!

<3 M.

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