Had Enough

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Read at your own risk, I warned you in the previous chapter 👐🏾🔮


"I'm just getting started- UH!" Not wanting to hear him utter another word, you swiftly picked up the large axe striking him in the head.

He lightly gasped as blood trickled down his forehead & neck. His body stiffened and went limp as you finally managed to get the axe out of his head.

Warm blood splattered & spilled onto the crunchy white snow & your face as the axe was taken out of the blood-gushing wound in his head.

His body fell on the cold, hard ground making a thud sound that filled the silence in the midnight air.

You walked over to where his now dead body was laying, grabbed his wrists, and dragged him into your shed.

Kneeling in front of his lifeless face, you scoffed as tears formed in your glossy eyes. "After all the shit you DID TO ME & SAID TO ME...tonight was my final straw."

Tears rolled down your cheeks and you let out a few shaky breaths, "I... have had enough."


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Did you like this imagine? I know it's very very different from the other imagines I've written but should I do more like this one?

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Should I do a part two? 😶‍🌫️

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2022 ⏰

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