He Meets Your Parents (Pt. 2)

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Sorry about Thursday night, guys. I said I was going to make a part 2 of it later on tonight & I forgot! 🙈 Again, so sorry.


"Mama, I'm bringing someone with me to meet you guys."

"Who is it?" Your younger sister, Layla, who was 18 asked. "My boyfriend."

Laughter could be heard on the other end. You looked at the phone screen like this.

 You looked at the phone screen like this

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"Y'all rude as hell. I'll see you in 5 hours."


"Mama, I'm pulling up right now." You said while pulling up in your parents' driveway. "Ok, baby. The door is unlocked."

After Bryson & I got out of the car, we walked up to the front door. I opened it and allowed Bry to walk in front of me.

I closed the door & locked it. "Hey mama & dad." I walked up to them embracing the 2 of them in a tight hug.

"We missed you so much, Yn. How is your majors coming along?" Your mother asked as she pulled out of the hug. "Good."

"I heard that you wanted us to meet someone." Your dad said while looking at you with a slightly serious look. You cleared your throat. "Oh yeah. Um, mama, dad, this is my wonderful boyfriend, Bryson."

"And Bryson these are my parents, where's Layla?" You looked at your mother.

"She's upstairs on the phone with her friends. LAYLA!"

Bryson & I jumped. My mama can be loud. "Ma'am?!" I looked up at Bryson and smiled. "You're going to love my sister."

"Yn's here!" As soon as mama said that fast, hard footsteps were heard followed by screaming. "My big sister, Yn! I missed you so much."

Layla hugged me tightly while I hugged her back. "How have you been, littlr sis?"

"Bored. I feel like the only child when you aren't here." I frowned a little at Layla. "Aw, I'm sorry that you have to stay in the boring-est state in the U.S."

"Yeah, Mississippi isn't all that. But I'm glad you're here." Then I noticed Layla looked behind & smirked. "Who's that fine piece of milk chocolate behind you, sis?" 😘

I heard Bryson chuckle a little. "This is my amazing boyfriend, Bryson."

"Nice to meet you, chocolate. I'm Layla, Yn's younger sister who's 18 and looking for a man."

You scoffed under your breath. "All of this is mine, honey." Layla laughed, "girl, I'm joking. You gotta friend, chocolate?"

"Yeah, I got one. His name Lucas Coly."

"Ooo, he even sound sexy-"

"Ok, kids. How about dinner? Ya mom made your favorite."

"Tacos?! Yess! Come on, Bry." I grabbed his hand & led us to the table.


After eating 7 tacos, I was beyond full. Not to mention the freshly made tea my dad had made.

"Well Mr. Bryson, it was nice meeting you, son." My face lit up with amusement as my dad called Bry 'son.' I think he likes him. 😊

"Wait, did you just call chocolate son?" Layla asked while eating the rest of her taco. "I sure did. I trust him enough to look after Yn & care for her."

"Aw, thanks dad." I got up and hugged my father. "You welcome, sweetheart."

"Now," your mother started, "who's wants Mexican Wedding Cookies?"

"I do! Come on, Bry."

"This girl." He said while kissing your forehead."
Cute right? Be on the lookout for updates whenever I update! Comment, vote, and share!
June 26, 2017
Updated from yesterday
10:43 PM

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