What Y'all Think?

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Before I start, let me know in the comments if you want to be updated on this little boy crush issue that I'm having. Ok? Ok. Thanks. 😊

Ok, so I know these two twin boys that go to my school. I'm not going to say their names but I'm going to call one K & Ka. Aight?

Let me introduce K to you guys. He's a chill, humble, and funny person. Sometimes he can be like his brother, Ka. I had a 3rd period class with K at the beginning of the school year.

Ka is K's twin brother (of course.) He is the funnier, turnt up version of his bro. Ka has braces while K doesn't.

Now allow me to tell you guys something, both K & Ka are cute to me but I'm 90% sure that K likes me.

The events I'm about to list are all true!

1: Beginning of the school year, 3rd period. My personal finance teacher paired everyone up in groups. I was in the group with K and some asain dude. *😂😂 I didn't know his name.* Now I forgot what we were supposed to be talking about since this happened so long ago.

The Asian kid & I started talking and I noticed that K was drawing on the back of his paper. Me being me, I peeped at his paper to see that he was drawing a coffee cup with something spilling out of it. I told K that his drawing was good and he said "no, its not really that good."

I told K it is good & that was that.

2: This is the second event I remember. This recently happened like a week or two ago. I was on the bus (after getting out of school) and I was sitting in front of K. The bus driver just started up the bus (& I was anxiously waiting to pull off. Cause I was so ready to go home.) How about K gon put his hand in my hair? Just

I turn around and look at him. He says this "oh, I was trying to roll down the window but you see my hand got stuck."

"Boy if you don't," I moved K's hand and turned back around. Then he gon joke around & say I got a "magnet head."

3: In September 2016, I was sitting in my personal finance class, right? Guess who I was sitting next to my right? K! 😄 We was supposed to be doing work, well I was doing mine & out the corner of my eye, I see K taking a picture of me.

Since I knew what he was doing, I seen he took a picture of me on his Snapchat.

Literally y'all, I seen this fool type in "my baby💕 lol" I honestly can't remember if he typed jk or what. I feel like he didn't. 😅 I honestly think K got a crush on me and he just too scared to admit it or tell me. Aw, 😘. I mean, I wouldn't mind dating K but he be acting extra sometimes. 😂 Now, I feel like if K's brother, Ka liked me, I really wouldn't mind.

I don't care if K likes me but if he likes me, he can come get me cause I've been single since birth. 😂 And I wouldn't mind dating him anyways, so...

4: Back when I still had my personal finance class with K, sometimes we would have these dumb arguments. It would end up with me saying his name and him calling me 'lil mama.' 😮😏

You think K like me? You be the judge.

5: Another annoying, yet fun hour or so class with K. You guessed it, personal finance! One day I was talking to one of my friends when K put his feet on my desk.

So of course, we went back & forth. 😑 I pushed his feet off my desk like 3 times, after that, I just gave up and allowed his feet to stay there. Y'all he can be so aggregating! Idk if you guys know people like that, but I definitely do.

I can't think of anything else so.......

I Have A Few Questions.

Do you think that K likes me? 💁

Should I ask Ka does his brother like me? 😶

Would you make the first move if you were me? 😐

Do you guys think K will tell me or one of my friends that he likes me or do you think that he will ask me out himself? 😝

April 20, 2017
12:18 PM

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