She Introduces You To Her Boyfriend

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Zonnique Imagine 🌌

At the moment, you & your best friend, Zonnique were chilling in her house talking about everything..when she suddenly gets a call.

Her phone rings, she looks at her screen wide eyed then looks at you. "What?" You asked with a concerned look inn your face. You try to see what's on her screen but she moves back and stands up. "Uh, I'll be back. I'm about to go to the bathroom. Hey!"

You turn back around and laugh to yourself. "She hiding something & I know it. I wonder what it is.." You take out your phone and go through your Instagram.

Just as you were watching a video, your boyfriend, Kareem called. "Hey baby. How you doing?" "I'm fine. Where you at, baby?" You smiled loving how he called you baby. "I'm at Nique's, where you at?"

"I'm at my mom's visiting. I wish Zo ain't live so damn far, I'd ask you to come over." "No, its fine. How long are you staying over there anyways?"

"Uhhhh," just hearing him dragging out 'uh,' you could tell he was scratching his head, "probably in 40 minutes." "Great, that gives me enough time to investigate on this girl cause she hiding something."

"What happened, mama?" "We was talking earlier, right?" "Mhm." Kareem said in response. "Somebody or someone  was calling her. She looks at the screen wide eyed like her ex is calling her. Long story short, she rushes off to the bathroom to talk to whoever she's talking to."

"She probably got a mans now."

"And she ain't tell me?!"  "Babygirl, calm down." Kareem said while chucking. "What? She know I'm crazy. I told her about you like a week after we dated. You know what," I sighed deeply calming myself down, "I'm fine..I'm cool." "You sure?"

"Yeah, totally fine. Reem, baby, I'll talk to you later, alright?" "Aight, lil mama. Bye." "Bye, love you." "Love you, too."

You hang up the phone to see Zonnique walking back to her spot on the couch. "So," you said while turning to her side, "got something you wanna tell me?"

"Yeah, uh, I'm dating someone.." Zo nervously played with her fingers. "Girl, who your new mans is?" You said in an excited tone. Nique pulled out her phone going to one of the pictures they recently took. (At the top.)

"Aw, you two are adorable! What's his name?"

Ding dong! 🔔

"This is the second time I've been stopped mid sentence today! Who is that at the door?"

"You'll see." Zonnique walked over to the door opening it and giving the mystery person a hug. You leaned forward from the couch and waited impatiently. "Yn, I would like for you to meet my boyfriend, Damien. Damien, this is my best friend, Yn."

You stood up & shook his hand. "Well, damn. You're even cuter then you were in the picture she just showed me." Damien laughed at you. "Thanks, Yn."

"No problem."


"Well, it was nice meeting you, Damien." I said while giving him a side hug.

(Trey Songz Voice) You ain't shit....

"You too, Yn." He gave me a hug back and Zonnique & Damien walked to his car. They talked for a little, kissed, then he left. Nique came back inside and smiled at me.

"What?" She said with a slight frown on her face. "You should've told me about Damien earlier. Why did you wait a whole month to tell me? I was gonna be happy regardless, its not gon change our friendship..well..sistership, since we've been knowing each other for a decade now."

"Okay, I promise I won't wait that long to tell you something as important as that." "Good, now," you said while placing your hands on her shoulders, "y'all need to have children. When is that gonna happen?"

"Girl!" Zo laughed at you.
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January 16, 2017
Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day! (Monday)
4:57 PM

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