What Y'all Think (Pt. 2)

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Just to remind you, K is the boy who likes me and Ka is his twin brother.

Ok, I think this happened on Tuesday or Wednesday. I was in the lunch room with my two friends, Kendall & Dymond. (Yes, that's how you actually spell her name.)

Lunch was about to be over in a few minutes and the room was halfway full of people. I was sitting diagonal ways from where K was sitting. (As always he's hanging out with his homies & homegirls.)

For some reason, when I momentarily looked over there, he stood up & his friends looked like they were excited about something. And by something, I think it had something to do with him talking to me. 🙈 Oh shit, guys, I think K wanted to ask me out! 😄😆

Don't get me wrong, K is cute. But like I said on the previous part, K is a quiet, humble individual. And so am I...so that really put us in a predicament where we are afraid to ask each other out.

BRUH!! I'm so freaking scared of asking K myself does he like me or not cause I have a feeling he'll say no then I'll be embarrassed. Not only that, if I ask K's brother, Ka, I feel like he'll tease me about supposedly liking his brother even though he doesn't know that I like him.

Idk if I said it in the last part, but some of my friends on the bus would make joke about K being my man. Uh first of all, he ain't my man. I swear that shit annoying.

I don't know, man! Sometimes when I think about this situation, I go through this long ass train of thought like: "Does he like me or what? Would he even tell me the truth if I asked him? Should I ask Ka instead of K? Is K going to tell me one day that he likes me & would have the pleasure of dating me?"

Thoughts like that and thoughts similar to that run through my head at times.
Do you guys even read this or what? 😫

Is it boring to you guys? 😮😶

Comment below & give me your thoughts and opinions. 😊

May 14, 2017♎🔥
7:46 PM
Excuse any errors if I made any.

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