He Meets Your Parents (Pt. 1)

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You're a 20 year old student in college, well not just any college, Yale. Obviously you were & are a hard working individual since you got into Yale with the amazing score you made on the ACT.

Growing up in your parents' household, they wanted you to always focus on school and stay away from boys. Occasionally boys would "ask you out" but you always knew they were joking.

But now, since you're out of the house, you can do whatever you want, when ya want. It's Thanksgiving break and you plan on surprising your family at home in Northern Mississippi.

Southaven, Mississippi to be exact. Right there by the Mississippi/Tennessee border.

💫 Your Pov 💫

But there's just one problem....

"Bry, you sure you wanna take this huge step in meeting my family?" We were sitting in my apartment, on the couch. "Hell yeah. You my woman and we been knowing each other for a year & 3 months now."

I stood up from the couch to only get pulled back on Bryson's lap. "Babe, what are doing? Move." I tried to remove his hands but his grip got tighter. "No. You love me?"

I turned around & looked at Bryson. "Of course I love you. I'm just stressed a little cause I feel like my family won't like you."

"Well if they don't like you, fuck them. I love you too much to care about what somebody has to say if I'm good for you or not."

"Aw, Bry. Thanks." We shared a long passionate kiss.


"Mama, I'm bringing someone with me to meet you guys."

"Who is it?" Your younger sister, Layla, who was 18 asked. "My boyfriend."

Laughter could be heard on the other end. You looked at the phone screen like this.

 You looked at the phone screen like this

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"Y'all rude as hell. I'll see you in 5 hours."
Part 2 will be updated later on tonight! 😊 Did you like it? 💫 Comment, vote, and share! 💫
June 22, 2017
9:57 PM

Random Superstar Imagines Book Vol. 2Where stories live. Discover now