He Buys Your Womanly Things

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😂😂 Honestly, I was thinking about this idea when I was in the bathroom cause I'm on my period....too much info? 🙈

August Anthony Alsina Imagine....

"Anthony!" You yell from the bed as you sit up and rub your hurting belly. He opened the door & stuck his head in. "What's tha matta babeh?" August walked in the room and sat next to you as you slowly turned to face him.

"Baby, can you run to Wal-Mart & pick up some pads & tampons?" "As in you on yo period?" You shook your head and continued to stare at your loving and caring boyfriend of 3 years.

"Fo sho, lil mama. I'll be back wit that and some chocolate. Aight Yn?" Anthony stood up & kissed you on the forehead. He grabbed his keys & walked out to the car while you stayed in the bedroom the two of you shared and watched tv.

August's Pov- At tha moment, I'm on tha way to Wal-Mart pickin' up some thangs fo' ma babeh, Yn. I made it to Wal-Mart within a couple of minutes. I walked in and made ma way to tha section whea (where) they have the womanly shit.

"Now whea in the hell are these pads & tampons?" I looked skraight ahead n' seen what ma babeh girl was looking for. "Gotcha." I picked up tha pads & tampons she usually gets.

I made ma way to tha cash regista & payed fo' the items I got for ma girl. I also got her some chocolate & Tylenol. 😊 "Your total is $25.50." I gave the older woman $40 & she gave me my change back.

"There you go, young man. Have a nice day." "Thanks, you too." I left tha sto' (store) and headed back to tha house. "Babeh, I'm back!" I walked in tha house and closed tha door wit ma foot. I then made my way up the steps to see Yn curled up in tha bed.

Yn's Pov- About damn time. I thought August would never come back.

"Took your ass forever. Where the hell have yo slow ass been?" "Damn, girl. My bad, I had to get you some chocolate & Tylenol to help with the pain."

"Awh, baby. Thanks!" I grabbed all of my stuff Anthony then kissed him on the lips.

"I couldn't ask for a better boyfriend." I walked to the bathroom to take a shower and be prepared for a long painful week.
Good for quick update, right? Comment, vote, and share! 😊 Also, happy Black History Month to all of my beautiful black brothers & sisters.
February 6, 2017
5:13 PM

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