Fun With The Boys ☺

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Yn means your name.


👙 Your Pov 👙

I had just got finished taking a bath & my window was open.

I grabbed my Cocoa Butter Lotion and sat down on my bed.

As I finished applying lotion all over my body, you heard footsteps outside and laughing.

I quickly put on my Snoopy pajamas & grabbed my bat.

I pulled back the curtains and was startled by my two guy best friends, Ethan 👆 and Grayson 👇

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I pulled back the curtains and was startled by my two guy best friends, Ethan 👆 and Grayson 👇.

I pulled back the curtains and was startled by my two guy best friends, Ethan 👆 and Grayson 👇

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"Oh my gosh. Grayson & Ethan Dolan, you cannot be sneaking by my room window like that! One of you would have been hit with this bat."

I said while waving the bat around.

"Wait....why are y'all here?"

"We wanted to see our favorite girl," Grayson said while smiling at you.

"Okay that's fine but did either of you call or text me?" You asked while pointing the bat at the Twins.

They both shook their heads no. You shook your head laughing to yourself.

"So typical of the Dolan Twins. Come on in."

You moved out of their way so they could climb through the window.

You were about to say something to them when your dad called you to the kitchen.

"Hold on, guys. I'M COMING!"

I closed my bedroom door behind me just in case my dad came back here later.

"What's up?" I said while sitting on the counter. "You have to babysit your little cousins."

You looked at your dad like:

"I am not about to babysit those bad ass lil kids! How come they mama can't look after them?"

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"I am not about to babysit those bad ass lil kids! How come they mama can't look after them?"

"You know how she's out with her friends all the time."

"Well can't you babysit them?"

"I actually have to be somewhere." You dad said while looking at the time on his phone.

"Aunt Joycelyn better find somebody else to babysit them kids cause it's not about to be Ms. Yn."

And with that, I walked straight back to my room.

"What happened?" Ethan asked me as I sat between him & Grayson.

"My dad was telling me that I was supposed to be babysitting my little cousins."

"You talking about Dominique, Jason, Jasmine," Grayson asked with wide eyes.

"Yes, I don't have time for those stubborn kids. Especially Dominique. She is one bad ass 7 year old. Hell nah." I said while laughing with the boys.

"Yn, I'll be back at 10:30, 11 o'clock. I have to go meet with my friends. Love you."

"Love you, too." I put my hand over my chest in relief. "For a second, I thought he was coming in here. I'm hungry."

"How does pizza sound?"

I smiled. "Good idea, Gray, let's go."

Good thing my dad is already gone.

We all headed down the hall & out the house to my Black Jeep.

"E, do you mind locking the front door for me, please?" I tossed my keys to him

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"E, do you mind locking the front door for me, please?" I tossed my keys to him.

Ethan locked the door and tossed my keys back to me.

Grayson sat in the back while Ethan sat in the passenger seat.

In 10 minutes, we arrived to Marlina's Pizza Joint. (The name is made up.)

"Yayy, pizza." Grayson said while getting out & closing the door.

"I haven't been to this place in ages." The Twins scoffed as I walked in first with them following.

"You call yesterday 'ages', Yn?"

"Shutup, Ethan." I said while playfully hitting him. "Then my dad wanted some pizza from here."

"Mhm." Grayson said while looking at me out of the corner of his eye.

"Y'all are annoying." I said then rolled my eyes.

"But you love us." They said in unison. "You're right, I love you guys."

"What pizza do you guys want?" I grabbed my wallet out of my purse & pulled out a 20 dollar bill.

"Wait, you're paying for us?" Ethan asked with a surprised look on his face. "Yeah, why not?"

"Thanks, Yn." Grayson came up to me & kissed my cheek. I gasped.


His face turned red.



Ethan & I ordered cheese pizza while Grayson ordered pineapple pizza.

I took out my phone & begin recording E & G.

"You guys liking this pizza?"

"Yes," they said in unison again, "thanks Yn."

"You welcome, boys."
Aw, this imagine is so cute! (Well to me.) Imma be honest with you, I LOVE THE DOLAN TWINS. 😍😍😍Did you like this imagine? If so, comment, vote & share!
Feburary 14, 2018

Valentine's Day Is Just Another Day To Me.

7:44 PM

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