Royal Family 👸🏾👑

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"WHAT'S UP ROYAL FAMILY! We are back with another for yo motha!"

This imagine is dedicated to Royal Family/Spicy Mafia. 😌🌶💕

You were chilling at your house in Augusta, Georgia when you received a phone call.

"New life, this Yn. Who dis?"

"Yn, this is Queen. How are you girl?" You took the phone off your ear then looked at the screen. "Forreal? Hey Queen, I'm good."

"That's good. So guess what- hey Clare."

"What is it?"

"We moved." This caused you to raise your eyebrows. "Oo, where?"

"Atlanta." You could hear Clarence & Patty yelling at 2K in the background.

"You lying."

"Nah, I'm dead serious. I meant to tell you when we moved here a couple months ago but we've been busy."

"Queen, you do know I live 2 hours away from you." She giggled.

"Really? Are you busy right now? Cause we haven't seen each other in 3 months." You turned around & glanced at your calendar on the wall.

"Surprisingly, I'm free. Look, text me your address & I'll make my way over there after I take a quick shower."

"Alright. We'll see you then."

2 Hours Later....

Getting out of your Red Jeep Wrangler, you looked at Queen & Clarence's apartment building in awe.

"Well shit, I might need to come stay with them, this is nice." You opened the car door, grabbing your suitcase and closed it the door.

Finally making it down the hall to their apartment began to make you anxious & nervous to see your close friends.

"Here goes nothing." Your hand shook a little bit as you knocked on the door.

"Hold on, I got it." A New York accent could be heard on the other side.

"YN!" Clarence pulled you in a warming inviting hug. "MY SISTER! I miss ya so much, you know that right?"

His hands were pinching your cheeks  (ON YOUR FACE 😂)

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His hands were pinching your cheeks  (ON YOUR FACE 😂)

You removed Clarence's hands, "yes I know that. Where's my twin?"

"She over there feeding Legend." Your face lit up with excitement.


Pushing Clarence out of the way, you ran over to Queen who was sitting on the couch breastfeeding Legend.

Queen squealed when she saw you & held out her arm. "YN! I missed you so much, girl!"

 "YN! I missed you so much, girl!"

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