Furthest Thing

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"Furthest thing from perfect like everyone would know."

"Get out of my house, I want you out." You threw your boyfriend's clothes out of the bedroom window to the ground. "Babe, don't do this. Please, I'm sorry."

"No, I don't want apologies right now. Leave!" "Yn, babe, look let me explain..cause that's not the only thing I've been doing." You looked down at Aubrey. "Hold on."

You closed the bedroom window & made your way down the steps. You opened the door and in revealed Aubrey Drake Graham. "You're going to need to sit down for this." He guided you to the couch as y'all sat across from each other.

Hurt, sadness, & sorrow in his eyes and anger & disappointment in yours.

"Alot of things have been on my mind and I didn't know how to cope with them so I started drinking on the low, mobbing on the low, smoking on the low and even fucking on the low. Even though I shouldn't have especially doing another woman in our house and our bedroom."

"Ever since you had that miscarriage a few days ago, I've been just as depressed as you were." You started thinking about what he saying & let the tears form in your eyes. "Then not only that, my mama's not getting any better with the cancer either so that just adds on." Drake put his head in his hands as he begin to cry to himself.

You sniffed then stood in front of your love. "Aub..Aubrey. I'm sorry baby, why didn't you tell me. We could've worked it out."

"I don't know, mama. I just, ugh, shit! If I lose you & my mama, I would be empty. Please don't leave, Yn Ymn Yln I love you so much." Aubrey now had his arms around your waist as he cried into your shirt letting his tears wet your shirt.

You looked up at the ceiling as you cried harder. "I love you, too." You lifted his head with your hands & looked at Aubrey. "I've been down myself about the miscarriage but just give some time & we'll have children, I swear."

Aubrey stood up & kissed you on the lips with passion. "I love you."

"I love you, too papi." 😌💕
Good update or what?? 😊 Has anybody started picking out their classes for the next 3 years? 💡 Lemme know in the comments below! 💡 I'm in the process of doing it.
March 13, 2017
12:13 AM

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