You Catch Him Slipping Up

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Trevor Jackson Imagine ❤

Your name is Yn and your boyfriend is Trevor Jackson. At the moment, you were waiting on him at home. The two of you were supposed to go on a date but he's an hour late. Constantly, you've been calling him. But he never picks up.

"What is this man doing? He should have been home. Let me try to call him again." When you called this time, I finally picked up. "Trevor, where the hell are you? I've been waiting on you to come home for an hour! Don't you know that we was supposed to go on a date?"

"Oh damn, I'm sorry, baby." "Nah fam, it ain't no sorry. Where are you anyways?"

"Uh, nowhere. Imma be home in a little bit." "No, I'm not waiting on you." I hung up the phone and slipped it in my purse. Oh shit. I just realized that I have a GPS track on his phone. " I'm definitely not finna be waiting on you. I'm going come find you. Just you wait, Trevor."

I took my phone out of my purse and went to the GPS tracker. Once I opened it, I knew exactly where he was. "Gotcha."


Moments later, I pulled up in my best friend's driveway. "Now why this bitch got my mans at her house?" I got out of my car and went to go knock on the front door. A minute later Trevor opened the door. He looked at me wide eyed.

"Hey, baby. What are you doing here?" " I'd like that you the same thing." I looked I'm up and down and crossed my arms over my chest. I pushed him out of the way and walked in the house. "Trevor baby, come on. Let's get this freaky show on the road!" Your best friend of a decade walked out in lingerie.

She stopped smiling as soon as she seen you. "What the fuck is this? I thought you were my girl?" You walked up closely to her as she looked shocked. "Now you can't say nothing? Why are you doing this to me? I thought we were sisters. I thought we had each other's matter what happens. But I see you don't want to ride with me. So I guess I got to cut you off. Snip, snip ✂----hoe."

You walked up to her & punched her in the jaw. "Lose my fucking number. As a matter of fact I'm about to find your phone." You ran up the steps to her bedroom to see clothes scattered everywhere & her phone on the nightstand. Once you picked up it up, you walked down stairs to where she was, grabbed the nearest object and smashed it to pieces.

"What the fuck are you doing, Yn?!" You looked at her as she stood. "Bitch, what the fuck are you doing?!! Oh I know, having sex with my man!" You tried to punch her again but she dodged it. Then, she kicked you causing you to run into the counter.

You ran up to her and choked her. "Don't you ever put your hands on me and you know you in the wrong!" You let go of her neck causing her to gasp loudly then you punch her one more time but in the stomach.

You turned around to see Trevor standing in the corner. You walked up to him and slapped him. "Fuck you, I want you out of my house by 11:30."

"But its already 11:00!" "Well, you better start running home cause you ain't riding around with me. Unless you wanna get hit."

"See you at home." Trevor took off running down the road.

"That's what I thought." You got in your car, backed out of your now ex best friend's driveway, and sped off down the road to head home.
Just an update. Did you guys like it? Yes or no? Lemme know in the comments! ↓
January 21, 2017
7:47 PM

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