Dream Part Seven:

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Opening my eyes I squinted because of the bright light and wanted to curse at whoever opened the curtains, letting my eyes adjust I start to notice the flowers around me and as I look down at me laying in this meadow of flowers wearing a flowy white dress. That I didn't even own.

"Hello, it's nice to see your finally with us." I spin my head around towards the voice and see the four girls from my dream's all standing there together in white dresses like mine, they all looked stunning like some kind of greek goddess.

"What's going on?" I say looking at them not moving from my place on the floor.

"You're dreaming." Marilyn says walking over to me and helping me up.

"We have a few things to tell you and I'm sure you have questions you want to ask, I'm Ivy." The girl from my last dream says walking towards me as the other two walk behind her.

"I saw you all, in my dreams. You killed yourself." I say pointing at Marilyn who looks down sadly at her feet.

"You got to be happy, you picked the right mate." I look at Abigail next and she nods smiling.

"You was killed." Lila nods before Marilyn holds her hand.

"You, I didn't see all of yours. In the history books, it says you died went off because you was too scared to stay and face your pack but in my dream, at the end, you was in the office with a guy who I assume is your mate." I finally say at Ivy.

"The history books are wrong, I faked my death. It's true I freaked out when I learned my fate but who wouldn't, it felt like everything was against me and so after getting to know my two mates I made the decision. Owen was my choice and so I let him and my parents and two brothers in on the secret, the plan I came up with, I was going to run away and after a month they would find my dead body and hold a funeral and cremate me so no one would be able to dig me back up to make sure. Another month later Owen came to get me from my hiding place in the woods far away to the point I was safe of being found by another wolf, after that I lived in the pack house and Owen and my brothers ran the pack together. I died age 102 living a happy life in hiding even had two sons and great grandchildren all boys..."

I stand there in shock at the revelation not saying a word not even sure what to say.

"We want want to give you advice, we've been watching over you and it seems as though you have picked the right mate." Marilyn says putting her hand on my shoulder nodding proudly at me and I start to tear up because she was proud.

"Your father he wants your powers and he's willing to kill his only daughter, I don't want you to end up like me. Being killed, I didn't train to my full and because of that I died before I even got to tell my mate I loved him." Lila tells me.

"With your powers comes a downside, they take a lot out of you the speed and strength are something that will come naturally whereas trying to listen or see something that a normal wolf can't will affect you." Abigail says looking serious.

"The headache" I reply talking about the one I was trying to sleep off.

"Don't get me wrong you will get better each time you practice it but the headache will still appear if you push it too far and with these headaches it will weaken your strength, you might want to use it to protect the ones you love but never push yourself as it can leave you open for attack." Adds on.

"Never allow people to use this against you." Ivy says.

"So the two of you that lived, did everything works out in the end?" I ask looking at Abigail and Ivy.

"I had a number of troubles in my time, my second mate tried to kill my chosen mate and we couldn't have a child after I stepped in to save him and ended up with injuries, whereas Marilyn is my three times great grandma you three come from my brother's children's bloodline."

I never thought about that before, I mean I guess I knew that I was related to these woman but I never thought about how.

"So you're my aunts?" I ask looking at Marilyn and Abigail.

"A number of greats aunts yes where and so is Lila, Ivy, on the other hand, is your six times great grandma." Marilyn replies and I turn to look at Ivy who smiles at me.

"I had three sons and one of them gave birth to your grandpa's grandpa." She smiles at the memory.

"I never really thought about it like that." I reply and Ivy cups my cheek in her hand.

"I'm very proud of you."

"How did you manage to have children without the pack questions where these children were coming from being you was in hiding?" I ask trying to think of a way.

"After a while more trusted members of the pack got told I was alive at first just family knew and those that lived in the pack house so I could wander around freely, the children were kept secret until it became the day for the oldest to take over the pack and it was announced he came from my bloodline." I nod at her response understanding.

"I hope you have a happy life and get to grow old like I did, I don't want to see your face around here for a long time yet and when you do show up I want to hear all about your children and happy life with Cole, but for now we will keep watching over you. Though this is the last time you will be seeing us." Ivy says before pulling me into a hug squeezing me tightly and I do the same.

"Why won't I see you again?" I ask looking at them all.

"We have nothing else to tell you, you, know our stories and now its time for you to make your own that one day you will tell the next girl in our bloodline advice on everything you learn throughout this." I nod my head sad that I won't see them again for a long time before they slowly start to step back.

"Just remember your life isn't worth risking you're important to your pack and without you, they would fall to ruins." Ivy says just before she disappears and everything goes white instead of dark like most of my other dreams.  


So all five woman got to meet and you found out how they were all connected, I hope you enjoyed the last dream chapter of this book.

If you had to pick your favourite out of the four other woman other than Carrie who would be your favourite? 

Also if I was to write a small spin off on each woman's story would you be interested?

That doesn't mean it's all going to happen in a short amount of time it might take me awhile and they would just be included in this book at a much later date.

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